버려진 구덩이 1층


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Map viewer

Divine Pride provides a basic map viewer. This map viewer is not connected to any Ragnarok Online server.

Level Name Health ATK MATK Exp Job Exp Race Element Scale Def MDef Res Mres Req. Hit Req. Flee Type Amount
232 Cave Calmaring 26,778,990 9,389 - 13,875 1,806 - 3,055 495,027 344,786 Plant Water 3 Medium 401 153 350 164 587 561 Normal 70
233 Cave Flower 32,110,200 6,272 - 9,239 1,699 - 2,851 511,759 356,093 Fish Water 3 Medium 458 199 370 218 533 528 Normal 60
234 Discarded Primitive Rgan 27,506,820 7,849 - 11,601 2,104 - 3,595 525,915 365,942 Formless Poison 3 Medium 468 203 388 229 541 538 Normal 70
234 Hallucigenia Baby 27,752,300 8,262 - 12,199 1,989 - 3,382 513,505 358,556 Insect Water 2 Small 254 134 190 153 616 570 Normal 60
234 Renovated Superior Rgan 28,145,720 10,125 - 14,984 1,892 - 3,219 518,457 361,105 Formless Earth 3 Medium 395 151 336 158 579 554 Normal 10
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.