Guest lecturer Mayssel Spritesheet


Criatura Academy Floor 2 (iz_ac02)

Title Quickinfo Info
Regarding Thief job Talk to Vicente & Vercassel Ask about stats and skills from Vicente and Vercassel.
Use the Thief Manual Assignments of Vicente and Vercassel Use the manual to complete the assignments from Vicente and Vercassel.
Title Quickinfo Info
Regarding Thief job Talk to Vicente & Vercassel Ask about stats and skills from Vicente and Vercassel.
Vicente's class heard from Vicente about stats.
Vercassel's class Heard from Vercassel about the Thief skills.
Use the Thief Manual Assignments of Vicente and Vercassel Use the manual to complete the assignments from Vicente and Vercassel.
Shop owner! Order to steal! Steal 1 Stone As for the assignment use the Thief Manual, you have to steal a Stone from a Poring monster.
Assassin! Use Envenom Kill a Poring As for the assignment to use the Thief Manual. Kill a Poring in the Poring cage by using Envenom.
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.