Skill information

Max level 0
Level Name Health ATK MATK Exp Job Exp Race Element Scale Def MDef Res Mres Req. Hit Req. Flee Type
18 Vocal 3,317 151 - 180 55 - 62 49 39 Insect Earth 1 Medium 77 26 0 0 244 241 Normal
20 Scout Basilisk 243 48 - 53 29 - 36 95 62 Brute Earth 1 Medium 18 10 0 0 233 202 Normal
34 Soldier Skeleton 691 82 - 99 48 - 57 284 198 Undead Undead 1 Medium 53 5 0 0 244 233 Normal
34 Soldier Skeleton Ringleader 3,455 88 - 109 48 - 57 1,420 2,970 Undead Undead 1 Medium 53 5 0 0 244 233
34 Furious Soldier Skeleton 3,455 88 - 109 48 - 57 1,420 2,970 Undead Undead 1 Medium 53 5 0 0 247 233
37 Dandelion 45,000 309 - 431 75 - 108 0 0 Human Dark 2 Medium 0 10 0 0 256 270 Normal
41 Cruiser 921 110 - 136 70 - 82 320 269 Formless Neutral 3 Medium 20 18 0 0 251 245 Normal
47 Seal 1,300 141 - 170 114 - 138 370 319 Brute Water 1 Medium 42 16 0 0 287 252 Normal
47 Swift Seal 6,500 152 - 187 114 - 138 1,850 4,785 Brute Water 1 Medium 42 16 0 0 287 252
48 Raggler 985 145 - 178 90 - 113 379 328 Brute Wind 1 Small 56 10 0 0 290 272 Normal
48 Rotar Zairo 1,290 158 - 199 102 - 126 379 328 Formless Wind 2 Large 57 34 0 0 318 279 Normal
48 Elusive Raggler 4,925 158 - 198 90 - 113 1,895 4,920 Brute Wind 1 Small 56 10 0 0 290 272
55 Mummy 1,899 209 - 260 70 - 83 512 390 Undead Undead 2 Medium 95 3 0 0 259 293 Normal
55 Beetle King 1,487 208 - 259 91 - 122 489 413 Insect Earth 1 Small 79 8 0 0 302 275 Normal
55 Swift Mummy 9,495 229 - 290 70 - 83 2,560 5,850 Undead Undead 2 Medium 95 3 0 0 259 293
55 Solid Mummy 18,990 229 - 290 70 - 83 2,560 5,850 Undead Undead 2 Medium 95 3 0 0 259 293
55 Furious Beetle King 7,435 228 - 289 91 - 122 2,445 6,195 Insect Earth 1 Small 79 8 0 0 316 275
57 Frilldora 1,587 213 - 268 101 - 126 488 435 Brute Fire 1 Medium 84 10 0 0 295 278 Normal
57 암흑 오크레이디 2,850 172 - 207 119 - 148 840 525 Human Earth 2 Medium 102 28 0 0 281 267 Normal
58 암흑 오크워리어 3,100 186 - 224 112 - 143 908 567 Human Earth 2 Medium 87 25 0 0 285 266 Normal
60 Skeleton 2,120 368 - 508 313 - 524 1,380 1,370 Undead Undead 1 Medium 31 4 0 0 279 253 Normal
60 Zombie 2,580 233 - 309 193 - 307 1,410 1,240 Undead Undead 1 Medium 20 6 0 0 274 269 Normal
63 Hunter Fly 1,902 217 - 278 102 - 114 588 532 Insect Wind 2 Small 46 20 0 0 335 333 Normal
63 Furious Hunter Fly 9,510 241 - 314 102 - 114 2,940 7,980 Insect Wind 2 Small 46 20 0 0 356 333
65 Mantis 2,363 279 - 358 91 - 110 642 556 Insect Earth 1 Medium 90 0 0 0 298 281 Normal
65 Driller 2,363 286 - 365 101 - 120 642 556 Brute Earth 1 Medium 96 18 0 0 315 288 Normal
65 Swift Mantis 11,815 310 - 405 91 - 110 3,210 8,340 Insect Earth 1 Medium 90 0 0 0 298 281
65 Furious Driller 11,815 317 - 412 101 - 120 3,210 8,340 Brute Earth 1 Medium 96 18 0 0 330 288
66 Horong 1,701 237 - 304 160 - 202 625 569 Formless Fire 4 Small 84 35 0 0 298 298 Normal
70 Kraben 2,159 292 - 377 116 - 143 610 654 Formless Ghost 2 Medium 108 20 0 0 303 308 Normal
71 Jaguar 3,103 340 - 440 105 - 130 774 678 Brute Earth 2 Medium 44 15 0 0 301 312 Normal
77 Dimik 10,000 1,007 - 1,464 680 - 1,184 0 0 Formless Neutral 2 Medium 45 28 0 0 346 323 Normal
79 Pasana 3,020 374 - 483 127 - 151 854 794 Human Fire 2 Medium 93 35 0 0 315 329 Normal
79 Swift Pasana 15,100 417 - 548 127 - 151 4,270 11,910 Human Fire 2 Medium 93 35 0 0 315 329
80 Lady Tanee 360,000 1,714 - 2,489 848 - 1,403 183,744 130,500 Plant Wind 3 Large 241 104 0 0 388 490 Boss
80 Skeleton 4,070 514 - 714 445 - 745 2,500 2,200 Undead Undead 1 Medium 41 8 0 0 305 283 Normal
80 Zombie 4,990 332 - 444 276 - 444 2,570 2,010 Undead Undead 1 Medium 25 12 0 0 301 293 Normal
82 Les 4,809 429 - 572 128 - 146 1,018 905 Plant Earth 4 Medium 123 30 0 0 302 314 Normal
82 Swift Les 24,045 486 - 657 128 - 146 5,090 13,575 Plant Earth 4 Medium 123 30 0 0 302 314
83 Harpy 4,454 398 - 520 142 - 167 986 921 Demon Wind 3 Medium 69 44 0 0 322 378 Normal
83 Harpy Ringleader 22,270 446 - 593 142 - 167 4,930 13,815 Demon Wind 3 Medium 69 44 0 0 322 378
83 Furious Harpy 22,270 446 - 593 142 - 167 4,930 13,815 Demon Wind 3 Medium 69 44 0 0 333 378
84 Guard 30,000 338 - 430 127 - 163 440 380 Human Neutral 2 Medium 50 20 0 0 309 299 Normal
85 Penomena 4,621 417 - 546 148 - 173 1,018 953 Fish Poison 1 Medium 85 32 0 0 323 362 Normal
85 Holden 4,390 407 - 542 149 - 178 1,068 953 Brute Earth 2 Small 82 16 0 0 350 313 Normal
85 Penomena Ringleader 23,105 469 - 623 148 - 173 5,090 14,295 Fish Poison 1 Medium 85 32 0 0 323 362
85 Furious Penomena 23,105 469 - 623 148 - 173 5,090 14,295 Fish Poison 1 Medium 85 32 0 0 334 362
85 Solid Holden 43,900 461 - 622 149 - 178 5,340 14,295 Brute Earth 2 Small 82 16 0 0 350 313
87 Poison Toad 5,577 422 - 557 169 - 202 1,052 987 Brute Poison 2 Medium 80 42 0 0 329 327 Normal
87 Vavayaga 6,134 372 - 480 196 - 239 1,052 987 Human Water 1 Medium 63 60 0 0 332 318 Normal
87 Elusive Vavayaga 30,670 415 - 544 196 - 239 5,260 14,805 Human Water 1 Medium 63 60 0 0 332 318
87 Swift Poison Toad 27,885 476 - 637 169 - 202 5,260 14,805 Brute Poison 2 Medium 80 42 0 0 329 327
89 Pest 5,752 388 - 501 137 - 166 1,086 1,021 Brute Dark 2 Small 55 33 0 0 366 365 Normal
90 Pitman 6,717 528 - 709 167 - 203 1,158 1,038 Undead Earth 2 Large 104 48 0 0 346 320 Normal
90 Novus 5,257 424 - 554 154 - 189 1,103 1,038 Dragon Neutral 1 Small 95 48 0 0 346 368 Normal
90 Piamette 3,000,500 1,411 - 2,071 1,029 - 1,749 0 0 Human Neutral 1 Small 56 35 0 0 356 404 Boss
90 Dandelion 552,500 2,775 - 4,117 1,010 - 1,760 24,750 11,250 Human Dark 1 Medium 40 35 0 0 356 366 Normal
90 Elusive Pitman 33,585 600 - 817 167 - 203 5,790 15,570 Undead Earth 2 Large 104 48 0 0 346 320
90 Elusive Novus 26,285 476 - 632 154 - 189 5,515 15,570 Dragon Neutral 1 Small 95 48 0 0 346 368
90 Swift Novus 26,285 476 - 632 154 - 189 5,515 15,570 Dragon Neutral 1 Small 95 48 0 0 346 368
90 Solid Novus 52,570 476 - 632 154 - 189 5,515 15,570 Dragon Neutral 1 Small 95 48 0 0 346 368
90 Novus Ringleader 26,285 476 - 632 154 - 189 5,515 15,570 Dragon Neutral 1 Small 95 48 0 0 346 368
92 Breeze 7,073 470 - 621 163 - 194 1,238 1,167 Formless Wind 3 Medium 83 32 0 0 393 341 Normal
92 Breeze Ringleader 35,365 530 - 711 163 - 194 6,190 17,505 Formless Wind 3 Medium 83 32 0 0 393 341
92 Furious Breeze 35,365 530 - 711 163 - 194 6,190 17,505 Formless Wind 3 Medium 83 32 0 0 423 341
93 Vagabond Wolf 8,203 580 - 787 154 - 181 853 1,300 Brute Earth 1 Medium 102 51 0 0 356 371 Boss
95 Anopheles 6,617 451 - 598 165 - 176 1,292 1,221 Insect Wind 3 Small 7 10 0 0 355 371 Normal
95 Roween 6,617 489 - 652 164 - 185 1,292 1,221 Brute Wind 1 Medium 73 33 0 0 377 373 Normal
95 Solid Roween 66,170 554 - 749 164 - 185 6,460 18,315 Brute Wind 1 Medium 73 33 0 0 377 373
97 The Paper 8,939 513 - 682 179 - 245 1,330 1,259 Formless Neutral 3 Medium 32 39 0 0 346 340 Normal
100 Assaulter 8,772 560 - 741 166 - 207 1,387 1,316 Human Wind 2 Medium 169 49 0 0 392 414 Normal
100 Galion 8,772 566 - 747 198 - 245 1,387 1,316 Brute Wind 2 Medium 100 62 0 0 379 378 Boss
100 Geffen Shoplifter 300,000 478 - 632 409 - 640 9,780 4,031 Human Neutral 1 Medium 93 36 0 0 370 410 Normal
100 Elusive Galion 43,860 638 - 855 198 - 245 6,935 19,740 Brute Wind 2 Medium 100 62 0 0 379 378
100 Assaulter Ringleader 43,860 632 - 849 166 - 207 6,935 19,740 Human Wind 2 Medium 169 49 0 0 392 414
100 Human Chimera 36,968 1,302 - 1,879 344 - 469 3,798 3,298 Brute Neutral 2 Medium 80 100 0 0 350 410 Normal
100 Material Chimera 36,968 1,352 - 1,929 294 - 419 3,798 3,289 Brute Fire 2 Medium 120 50 0 0 350 410 Normal
100 요일스켈레톤100 16,430 597 - 825 531 - 873 3,370 2,740 Undead Undead 1 Medium 51 12 0 0 332 313 Normal
100 요일좀비100 17,590 664 - 928 561 - 958 3,150 2,960 Undead Undead 1 Medium 30 18 0 0 329 321 Normal
101 Buffalo Bandit Duelist 9,700 557 - 748 199 - 248 1,443 1,373 Human Fire 2 Large 62 32 0 0 353 363 Normal
103 Disguise 12,520 685 - 930 235 - 284 1,664 1,507 Demon Earth 4 Medium 85 58 0 0 356 353 Normal
103 Elusive Disguise 62,600 783 - 1,077 235 - 284 8,320 22,605 Demon Earth 4 Medium 85 58 0 0 356 353
105 Faymont 400,000 477 - 633 438 - 672 11,660 4,807 Human Neutral 1 Medium 114 21 0 0 365 415 Normal
105 Vagabond Wolf 900,000 1,537 - 2,217 166 - 193 12,000 15,000 Brute Earth 1 Medium 102 51 0 0 368 383 Boss
105 Infinite Vocal 900,000 1,462 - 2,102 142 - 149 12,000 15,000 Insect Earth 1 Medium 77 26 0 0 331 328 Normal
106 Raggler 115,000 784 - 1,056 193 - 216 4,000 2,100 Brute Wind 1 Small 172 10 0 0 381 421 Normal
107 Manananggal 15,656 609 - 822 250 - 311 1,845 1,759 Demon Dark 2 Medium 64 31 0 0 392 352 Normal
107 s Fallen 204,511 822 - 1,143 250 - 311 0 0 Demon Dark 2 Medium 64 31 0 0 392 352 Normal
107 Manananggal Ringleader 78,280 694 - 950 250 - 311 9,225 26,385 Demon Dark 2 Medium 64 31 0 0 392 352
107 Seal 130,000 806 - 1,086 200 - 224 5,000 2,250 Brute Water 1 Medium 177 16 0 0 387 427 Normal
109 Luciola Vespa 13,004 705 - 959 218 - 285 1,887 1,801 Insect Wind 1 Medium 59 55 0 0 398 422 Normal
109 Elusive Luciola Vespa 65,020 806 - 1,111 218 - 285 9,435 27,015 Insect Wind 1 Medium 59 55 0 0 398 422
109 Tao Gunka 8,550,000 2,964 - 4,324 1,101 - 1,857 200,000 200,000 Demon Neutral 3 Large 404 143 0 0 484 518 Boss
110 Tao Gunka 1,252,000 3,250 - 4,753 1,102 - 1,858 540,000 396,000 Demon Neutral 3 Large 404 143 0 0 485 519 Boss
110 Ice Titan 18,923 715 - 951 211 - 270 1,908 1,822 Formless Water 3 Large 344 11 0 0 364 374 Normal
110 Swift Ice Titan 94,615 809 - 1,092 211 - 270 9,540 27,330 Formless Water 3 Large 344 11 0 0 364 374
110 Grudge of Broken Gun 24,911 843 - 1,151 232 - 291 3,908 3,908 Undead Ghost 2 Medium 95 20 0 0 378 424 Normal
113 Sropho 20,805 652 - 883 641 - 980 2,202 2,106 Fish Water 2 Medium 44 91 0 0 366 382 Normal
113 Rotar Zairo 7,900 1,551 - 2,216 222 - 273 1,591 1,221 Formless Wind 2 Large 95 34 0 0 367 367 Normal
114 Draco 18,205 789 - 1,116 225 - 291 2,335 2,128 Dragon Earth 1 Medium 56 3 0 0 372 383 Normal

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2020-05-02 05:27 description
2020-05-02 05:27 name Combo Attack NPC_COMBOATTACK
2020-05-02 05:27 MaxLv 0
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.