Hogogong Strike
Hogogong Strike
MAX Lv : 7
Skill requirement : Mystical Creature Mastery 5, Howling of Chulho 3
Skill form : Active
Type : Range Physical
Target : Single Target
Recovery : AP 1, 2(if Commune With Chulho is learned)
Details: Throws a punch attack with Chulho's front paws to nearby targets affected by [Hogogong effect], inflicting long-distance physical damage.
Deals additional damage depends on level of Mystical Creature Mastery user learned, user's base level and POW, has a chance to trigger critical, critical chance is the user's Cri.
The effectiveness of critical modifier is applied by half.
If the user learned Commune With Chulho, increases skill damage and increases AP recovery amount.

[Lv 1] : Per hit ATK 300+(Mystical Creature Mastery Lv x10)%
Per hit ATK(Commune) 300+(Mystical Creature Mastery Lv x20)%
Range: 7x7 cells

[Lv 2] : Per hit ATK 400+(Mystical Creature Mastery Lv x10)%
Per hit ATK(Commune) 500+(Mystical Creature Mastery Lv x20)%
Range: 7x7 cells

[Lv 3] : Per hit ATK 500+(Mystical Creature Mastery Lv x10)%
Per hit ATK(Commune) 700+(Mystical Creature Mastery Lv x20)%
Range: 7x7 cells

[Lv 4] : Per hit ATK 600+(Mystical Creature Mastery Lv x10)%
Per hit ATK(Commune) 900+(Mystical Creature Mastery Lv x20)%
Range: 9x9 cells

[Lv 5] : Per hit ATK 700+(Mystical Creature Mastery Lv x10)%
Per hit ATK(Commune) 1100+(Mystical Creature Mastery Lv x20)%
Range: 9x9 cells

[Lv 6] : Per hit ATK 800+(Mystical Creature Mastery Lv x10)%
Per hit ATK(Commune) 1300+(Mystical Creature Mastery Lv x20)%
Range: 9x9 cells

[Lv 7] : Per hit ATK 900+(Mystical Creature Mastery Lv x10)%
Per hit ATK(Commune) 1500+(Mystical Creature Mastery Lv x20)%
Range: 11x11 cells

Skill information

Max level 7
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7
SP consumption 50 53 56 59 62 65 68

No data available

Spirit Handler


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Date Field Old New
2024-11-05 21:49 description Hogogong Strike
MAX Lv : 7
Skill requirement : Mystical Creature Mastery 5, Howling of Chulho 3
Skill form : Active
Type : Range Physical
Target : Single Target
Recovery : AP 1, 2(if Commune With Chulho is learned)
Details: Throws a punch attack with Chulho's front paws to nearby targets affected by [Hogogong effect], inflicting long-distance physical damage.
Deals additional damage depends on level of Mystical Creature Mastery user learned, user's base level and POW, has a chance to trigger critical, critical chance is the user's Cri.
The effectiveness of critical modifier is applied by half.
If the user learned Commune With Chulho, increases skill damage and increases AP recovery amount.

[Lv 1] : Per hit ATK 300+(Mystical Creature Mastery Lv x10)%
Per hit ATK(Commune) 300+(Mystical Creature Mastery Lv x20)%
Range: 7x7 cells

[Lv 2] : Per hit ATK 400+(Mystical Creature Mastery Lv x10)%
Per hit ATK(Commune) 500+(Mystical Creature Mastery Lv x20)%
Range: 7x7 cells

[Lv 3] : Per hit ATK 500+(Mystical Creature Mastery Lv x10)%
Per hit ATK(Commune) 700+(Mystical Creature Mastery Lv x20)%
Range: 7x7 cells

[Lv 4] : Per hit ATK 600+(Mystical Creature Mastery Lv x10)%
Per hit ATK(Commune) 900+(Mystical Creature Mastery Lv x20)%
Range: 9x9 cells

[Lv 5] : Per hit ATK 700+(Mystical Creature Mastery Lv x10)%
Per hit ATK(Commune) 1100+(Mystical Creature Mastery Lv x20)%
Range: 9x9 cells

[Lv 6] : Per hit ATK 800+(Mystical Creature Mastery Lv x10)%
Per hit ATK(Commune) 1300+(Mystical Creature Mastery Lv x20)%
Range: 9x9 cells

[Lv 7] : Per hit ATK 900+(Mystical Creature Mastery Lv x10)%
Per hit ATK(Commune) 1500+(Mystical Creature Mastery Lv x20)%
Range: 11x11 cells
2024-11-05 21:49 name Hogogong Strike
2024-11-05 21:49 MaxLv 0 7
2023-09-22 21:08 MaxLv 7 0
2023-09-07 21:19 MaxLv 0
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.