Name Weight Type Subtype Server
Hunter Fly Egg 0 Armor Pet bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Hunter Shadow Armor 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Armor bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Hunter Shadow Shoes 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Shoes bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Hunter Wolf Card 1 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Hunting Knife [1] 40 Armor Accessory bRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO ropEU ropRU
Hunting Shadow Weapon 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Weapon bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Hunting Spear [1] 420 Weapon Spear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Hurricane Fury [1] 350 Weapon Two-handed Axe bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Hurt Mind [1] 10 Armor Accessory bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Husky Hat 50 Armor Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Huuma Shuriken Brilliance [2] 260 Weapon Shuriken dpRO kROM twRO
Huuma Shuriken Clear [2] 130 Weapon Shuriken bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO kROM kROS ropEU ropRU thROG twRO vnRO
Hwergelmir's Tonic 100 Consumable Special bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Hylozoist Card 1 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Hyper Death Card 0 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Hyper Novice Stone (Garment) 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM
Hypnotist's Staff [1] 50 Weapon Rod bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Hypnotist's Staff [2] 50 Weapon Rod bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Hypocrisy Edge [2] 300 Weapon Two-handed Sword cRO dpRO dpROS iRO jRO kROM kROS thROG twRO
Hypocrisy Machine [3] 300 Weapon Sword cRO dpRO dpROS iRO jRO kROM kROS thROG twRO
Iara Card 1 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Icarus Wings 10 Armor Accessory bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Ice Flower Spell (Agi) 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM twRO
Ice Flower Spell (Caster) 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM twRO
Ice Flower Spell (Critical) 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM twRO
Ice Flower Spell (Delay After Attack) 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM twRO
Ice Flower Spell (Dex) 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM twRO
Ice Flower Spell (Expert Archer) 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM twRO
Ice Flower Spell (Fatal) 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM twRO
Ice Flower Spell (Guide Attack) 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM twRO
Ice Flower Spell (HP Recovery) 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM twRO
Ice Flower Spell (Int) 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM twRO
Ice Flower Spell (Luk) 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM twRO
Ice Flower Spell (Magical Defense) 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM twRO
Ice Flower Spell (Magician) 0 Enchant - dpRO jRO kROM twRO
Ice Flower Spell (Mental) 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM twRO
Ice Flower Spell (Physical Defense) 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM twRO
Ice Flower Spell (Power Force) 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM twRO
Ice Flower Spell (Robust) 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM twRO
Ice Flower Spell (Shooter) 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM twRO
Ice Flower Spell (SP Recovery) 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM twRO
Ice Flower Spell (Speed) 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM twRO
Ice Flower Spell (Spell) 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM twRO
Ice Flower Spell (Str) 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM twRO
Ice Flower Spell (Vit) 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM twRO
Ice Flower Spell (Vital) 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM twRO
Ice Flower Spell (Warrior) 0 Enchant - dpRO jRO kROM twRO
Ice Gangu Card 1 Card - dpRO jRO kROM twRO
Ice Rune 1Lv 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM
Ice Rune 2Lv 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM
Ice Rune 3Lv 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM
Ice Rune 4Lv 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM
Ice Rune 5Lv 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM
Ice Rune Armor [1] 100 Armor Armor dpRO kROM twRO
Ice Rune Boots [1] 100 Armor Shoes dpRO kROM twRO
Ice Rune Manteau [1] 100 Armor Garment dpRO kROM twRO
Ice Seahorse Card 1 Card - dpRO kROM
Ice Seahorse Egg 0 Armor Pet dpRO kROM
Ice Straw Card 1 Card - dpRO jRO kROM twRO
Ice Titan Card 1 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Icewind Card 1 Card - dpRO kROM
Icewind Egg 0 Armor Pet dpRO kROM
Icy Storm Rune 10Lv 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM
Icy Storm Rune 1Lv 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM
Icy Storm Rune 2Lv 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM
Icy Storm Rune 3Lv 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM
Icy Storm Rune 4Lv 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM
Icy Storm Rune 5Lv 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM
Icy Storm Rune 6Lv 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM
Icy Storm Rune 7Lv 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM
Icy Storm Rune 8Lv 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM
Icy Storm Rune 9Lv 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM
Icy Storm Rune Suit [1] 75 Armor Armor dpRO kROM
IDTest ammo 1 - Cannonball cRO dpROS GGH kROM kROS kROZ kROZS thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
IDTest armor [1] 1 Armor Armor cRO dpRO dpROS GGH kROM kROS kROZ kROZS thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
IDTest arrow 1 - - bRO cRO dpROS GGH kROM kROS kROZ kROZS thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
IDTest bow [1] 1 Weapon Bow bRO cRO dpROS GGH kROM kROS kROZ kROZS thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
IDTest Card 1 - - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH kROM kROS kROZ kROZS thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
IDTest gun [1] 1 - - bRO cRO dpROS GGH kROM kROS kROZ kROZS thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Ifrit Card 1 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Ifrit's Ears 0 Armor Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Ignis Cap [1] 80 Armor Headgear dpRO dpROS iRO iROT jRO ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Ignis Cap Type K [1] 10 Armor Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS iRO iROT kROM kROS thROG twRO vnRO
Ignis Cap-LT [1] 10 Armor Headgear dpRO kROM twRO
Ignition Shadow Earring 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Acc. (Right) bRO cRO dpRO dpROS iRO kROM kROS thROG twRO vnRO
Ignition Shadow Pendant 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Acc. (Left) bRO cRO dpRO dpROS iRO kROM kROS thROG twRO vnRO
Ignition Shadow Weapon 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Weapon bRO cRO dpRO dpROS iRO kROM kROS thROG twRO vnRO
Ignition Wave Booster Two-handed Sword 0 Weapon Two-handed Sword dpRO kROM kROS thROG twRO
Illusion Ancient Cape [1] 60 Armor Garment bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROG twRO vnRO
Illusion Ancient Dagger [2] 60 Weapon Dagger bRO dpRO iRO jRO kROM kROS thROG twRO
Illusion Apple of Archer [1] 20 Armor Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROG twRO vnRO
Illusion Armor Type A [1] 100 Armor Armor bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS ropEU ropRU thROG twRO vnRO
Illusion Armor Type B [1] 100 Armor Armor bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS ropEU ropRU thROG twRO vnRO
Illusion Ballista [2] 350 Weapon Bow bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROG twRO vnRO
Illusion Battle Chip L [1] 0 Armor Accessory (Right) bRO cRO dpRO dpROS iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS ropEU ropRU thROG twRO vnRO
Illusion Battle Chip R [1] 10 Armor Accessory (Right) bRO cRO dpRO dpROS iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS ropEU ropRU thROG twRO vnRO
Illusion Bazerald [2] 50 Weapon Dagger bRO cRO dpRO dpROS iRO jRO kROM kROS ropRU thROG twRO vnRO
Illusion Book of the Apocalypse [2] 80 Weapon Book bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROG twRO vnRO
Illusion Booster L [1] 10 Armor Accessory (Left) bRO cRO dpRO dpROS iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS ropEU ropRU thROG twRO vnRO
Illusion Booster R [1] 10 Armor Accessory (Right) bRO cRO dpRO dpROS iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS ropEU ropRU thROG twRO vnRO
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.