뱀신의 온기 1층


Map images


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Map viewer

Divine Pride provides a basic map viewer. This map viewer is not connected to any Ragnarok Online server.

Level Name Health ATK MATK Exp Job Exp Race Element Scale Def MDef Req. Hit Req. Flee Type Amount
210 Primitive Rgan 11,086,768 6,231 - 9,198 1,638 - 2,785 318,751 223,126 Formless Poison 1 Medium 240 128 483 466 Normal 110
210 Heart Hunter AT 11,510,680 7,041 - 10,414 1,464 - 2,477 319,499 223,091 Human Neutral 1 Medium 171 86 510 471 Normal 10
212 Lowest Rgan 13,446,600 5,391 - 7,941 1,384 - 2,309 333,500 232,056 Formless Earth 2 Medium 323 139 488 477 Normal 60
214 Junior Rgan 12,284,000 8,476 - 12,543 1,511 - 2,552 346,392 241,262 Formless Neutral 3 Medium 278 105 521 494 Normal 20
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.