Soul Strike
Soul Strike
Max Lv : 10
Skill Requirement : Napalm Beat 4
Skill Form : Active
Type : Magic
Target: 1 Enemy
Description: Summon holy ghosts to inflict
Ghost property attacks on a target. At level 10,
these ghosts will inflict 5 consecutive strikes.
This skill has a 0.5 second Cast Delay.

Description : Summoning the Ancient Holy Spirit and attacking the enemy directly
Inflict 100% Ghost property magic damage.
This skill inflicts additional damage against Undead property entities.

[Lv 1] : ATK 1time, + 5% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:18
[Lv 2] : ATK 1time, +10% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:14
[Lv 3] : ATK 2times, +15% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:24
[Lv 4] : ATK 2times, +20% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:20
[Lv 5] : ATK 3times, +25% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:30
[Lv 6] : ATK 3times, +30% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:26
[Lv 7] : ATK 4times, +35% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:36
[Lv 8] : ATK 4times, +40% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:32
[Lv 9] : ATK 5times, +45% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:42
[Lv10] : ATK 5times, +50% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:38

Skill information

Max level 10
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10
SP consumption 18 14 24 20 30 26 36 32 42 38
After cast delay 1.4 sec 1.4 sec 1.4 sec 1.4 sec 1.4 sec 1.4 sec 1.4 sec 1.4 sec 1.4 sec 1.4 sec
Fixed Casttime 0.1 sec 0.1 sec 0.1 sec 0.1 sec 0.1 sec 0.1 sec 0.1 sec 0.1 sec 0.1 sec 0.1 sec
Variable Casttime 0.4 sec 0.4 sec 0.4 sec 0.4 sec 0.4 sec 0.4 sec 0.4 sec 0.4 sec 0.4 sec 0.4 sec
Level Name Health ATK MATK Exp Job Exp Race Element Scale Def MDef Req. Hit Req. Flee Type
80 Rafflesia Arnoldi 3,631 367 - 490 189 - 230 912 809 Plant Earth 1 Medium 80 20 312 335 Normal
80 Swift Rafflesia Arnoldi 18,155 416 - 564 189 - 230 4,560 12,135 Plant Earth 1 Medium 80 20 312 335
90 Ghostring 26,700 464 - 618 269 - 366 2,368 2,233 Demon Ghost 4 Medium 88 72 375 379 Boss
90 Joker 6,425 491 - 650 182 - 218 1,103 1,038 Human Wind 4 Large 64 76 389 352 Normal
98 Sage Rawrel 9,868 368 - 467 685 - 1,074 940 1,920 Human Ghost 2 Medium 83 96 384 391 Normal
99 Thanatos Phantom 1,445,660 4,163 - 6,146 1,354 - 2,357 779,640 965,277 Demon Ghost 4 Large 364 35 428 516 Boss
99 Kuluna 270,000 820 - 1,115 266 - 357 110,000 90,000 Human Ghost 3 Medium 109 10 377 383 Boss
119 Plasma 16,100 878 - 1,187 304 - 385 2,367 2,652 Formless Ghost 4 Small 130 45 413 433 Normal
119 Plasma Ringleader 80,500 1,001 - 1,372 304 - 385 11,835 39,780 Formless Ghost 4 Small 130 45 413 433
120 Fatal Days 29,088 1,035 - 1,438 205 - 206 3,077 3,338 Demon Dark 3 Medium 72 15 401 415 Normal
126 Skogul 40,389 965 - 1,334 530 - 803 3,639 3,498 Demon Dark 3 Medium 72 15 397 411 Normal
126 Skogul (Slave) 40,389 965 - 1,334 530 - 803 0 0 Demon Dark 3 Medium 72 15 397 411 Normal
126 Solid Skogul 403,890 1,112 - 1,555 530 - 803 18,195 52,470 Demon Dark 3 Medium 72 15 397 411
128 Agav 36,971 1,073 - 1,504 367 - 476 3,689 3,548 Human Neutral 4 Medium 77 82 394 418 Normal
128 Swift Agav 184,855 1,245 - 1,762 367 - 476 18,445 53,220 Human Neutral 4 Medium 77 82 394 418
131 Skeggiold 52,280 1,142 - 1,603 399 - 530 3,607 2,425 Angel Holy 2 Small 80 86 417 454 Boss
133 Laurell Weinder 40,282 734 - 1,001 1,017 - 1,636 2,925 3,613 Human Ghost 2 Medium 76 180 412 471 Normal
133 Laurell Weinder Ringleader 201,410 840 - 1,161 1,017 - 1,636 14,625 54,202 Human Ghost 2 Medium 76 180 412 471
137 Bream 378,510 3,194 - 4,677 1,455 - 2,464 15,034 13,533 Human Undead 2 Medium 60 60 424 506 Boss
144 Released Spell 291,046 1,637 - 2,336 1,070 - 1,761 19,403 13,582 Formless Ghost 2 Medium 180 87 464 404 Normal
147 Lichtern (Y) 131,513 1,420 - 1,987 1,330 - 2,267 7,071 7,669 Formless Ghost 4 Small 84 51 441 461 Normal
160 Dwigh 7,000,000 1,410 - 2,010 1,460 - 2,360 151,317 135,300 Human Ghost 2 Medium 175 65 460 550 Boss
173 Chaos Ghostring 1,033,446 3,540 - 5,131 915 - 1,416 169,110 118,377 Demon Ghost 2 Medium 320 71 460 525 Normal
205 Silver Acidus 3,456,051 5,421 - 7,917 943 - 1,470 246,822 172,775 Dragon Ghost 4 Large 253 80 568 532 Normal
210 Unknown #20784 442,473,071 6,370 - 9,310 2,218 - 3,781 0 0 Demon Ghost 4 Large 390 86 518 576 Boss
210 Broken Memory of Thanatos 441,773,071 5,270 - 7,685 1,430 - 2,379 0 0 Demon Neutral 1 Medium 270 79 578 547 Boss
229 Illusion Watcher 4,305,000 2,998 - 4,305 1,347 - 2,178 0 0 Demon Dark 4 Small 71 66 464 549 Boss
239 환영의 마검사 타나토스 78,908,090 7,167 - 10,532 5,224 - 9,347 0 0 Demon Ghost 4 Large 364 35 697 656 Boss
250 변종 마력의 가시 5,000,000 6,272 - 9,232 4,668 - 8,208 0 0 Demon Neutral 2 Medium 71 66 640 665 Boss
250 고스트링 2,670,000 998 - 1,306 608 - 803 2,368 2,233 Demon Ghost 4 Medium 176 144 620 658 Boss
Name Type Subtype
Unknown item #2061 Weapon Two-handed Rod
Unknown item #13448 Weapon Sword
Awakened Master Soul Rifle [2] Weapon Rifle
Banshee Card Card -
Brionac Weapon Two-handed Spear
Death Word Card Card -
Ghostring Balloon Armor Costume Helm
Level 3 Soul Strike Consumable Special
Level 5 Soul Strike Consumable Special
Magical Blade [2] Weapon Sword
Master Soul Rifle-LT [2] Weapon Rifle
Old Parasol [3] Weapon Sword
Staff of Miracle [2] Weapon Two-handed Rod
Super Novice
Date Field Old New
2023-01-13 00:42 description Soul Strike
MAX Lv : 10
Skill Requirement : Napalm Beat 4
Skill Form : Active
Type : Magic
Target: 1 Enemy
Description: Summon holy ghosts to inflict
Ghost property attacks on a target. At level 10,
these ghosts will inflict 5 consecutive strikes.
This skill has a 0.5 second Cast Delay.

Description : Summoning the Ancient Holy Spirit and attacking the enemy directly
Inflict 100% Ghost property magic damage.
This skill inflicts additional damage against Undead property entities.

[Lv 1] : ATK 1time, + 5% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:18
[Lv 2] : ATK 1time, +10% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:14
[Lv 3] : ATK 2times, +15% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:24
[Lv 4] : ATK 2times, +20% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:20
[Lv 5] : ATK 3times, +25% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:30
[Lv 6] : ATK 3times, +30% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:26
[Lv 7] : ATK 4times, +35% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:36
[Lv 8] : ATK 4times, +40% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:32
[Lv 9] : ATK 5times, +45% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:42
[Lv10] : ATK 5times, +50% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:38
Soul Strike
Max Lv : 10
Skill Requirement : Napalm Beat 4
Skill Form : Active
Type : Magic
Target: 1 Enemy
Description: Summon holy ghosts to inflict
Ghost property attacks on a target. At level 10,
these ghosts will inflict 5 consecutive strikes.
This skill has a 0.5 second Cast Delay.

Description : Summoning the Ancient Holy Spirit and attacking the enemy directly
Inflict 100% Ghost property magic damage.
This skill inflicts additional damage against Undead property entities.

[Lv 1] : ATK 1time, + 5% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:18
[Lv 2] : ATK 1time, +10% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:14
[Lv 3] : ATK 2times, +15% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:24
[Lv 4] : ATK 2times, +20% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:20
[Lv 5] : ATK 3times, +25% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:30
[Lv 6] : ATK 3times, +30% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:26
[Lv 7] : ATK 4times, +35% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:36
[Lv 8] : ATK 4times, +40% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:32
[Lv 9] : ATK 5times, +45% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:42
[Lv10] : ATK 5times, +50% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:38
2020-05-02 05:27 description Soul Strike
MAX Lv : 10
Skill Requirement : Napalm Beat 4
Skill Form: Active
Property: Spiritual
Target: Enemy
Description: Summon holy ghosts to inflict
Ghost property attacks on a target. At level 10,
these ghosts will inflict 5 consecutive strikes.
This skill has a 0.5 second Cast Delay.

[Lv 1]:18SP, 1.2sec cast, +5% dmg to Undead
[Lv 2]:14SP, 1.5sec cast, +10% dmg to Undead
[Lv 3]:24SP, 1.6sec cast, +15% dmg to Undead
[Lv 4]:20SP, 1.8sec cast, +20% dmg to Undead
[Lv 5]:30SP, 2.0sec cast, +25% dmg to Undead
[Lv 6]:26SP, 2.2sec cast, +30% dmg to Undead
[Lv 7]:36SP, 2.4sec cast, +35% dmg to Undead
[Lv 8]:32SP, 2.6sec cast, +40% dmg to Undead
[Lv 9]:42SP, 2.8sec cast, +45% dmg to Undead
[Lv 10]:38SP, 2.7sec cast, +50% dmg to Undead
Soul Strike
MAX Lv : 10
Skill Requirement : Napalm Beat 4
Skill Form : Active
Type : Magic
Target: 1 Enemy
Description: Summon holy ghosts to inflict
Ghost property attacks on a target. At level 10,
these ghosts will inflict 5 consecutive strikes.
This skill has a 0.5 second Cast Delay.

Description : Summoning the Ancient Holy Spirit and attacking the enemy directly
Inflict 100% Ghost property magic damage.
This skill inflicts additional damage against Undead property entities.

[Lv 1] : ATK 1time, + 5% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:18
[Lv 2] : ATK 1time, +10% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:14
[Lv 3] : ATK 2times, +15% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:24
[Lv 4] : ATK 2times, +20% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:20
[Lv 5] : ATK 3times, +25% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:30
[Lv 6] : ATK 3times, +30% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:26
[Lv 7] : ATK 4times, +35% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:36
[Lv 8] : ATK 4times, +40% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:32
[Lv 9] : ATK 5times, +45% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:42
[Lv10] : ATK 5times, +50% dmg to Undead, SP Consumption:38


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Ghostring Card 1 obtained.