Demonic Mass Confuse

Skill information

Max level 5
Flags ▪ Display range (only monster skills)
Skill Type Non-Attack
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
SP consumption 0 0 0 0 0
Data 1 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Data 2 2 5 8 11 14
Data 3 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000
Level Name Health ATK MATK Exp Job Exp Race Element Scale Def MDef Res Mres Req. Hit Req. Flee Type
1 Crystal L 100 2 - 2 2 - 2 0 0 Formless Neutral 3 Large 99 160 0 0 202 1170 Boss
35 Huge Amering 72,810 152 - 191 137 - 190 6,375 5,524 Formless Poison 1 Large 10 10 0 0 275 245 Boss
130 Uni-horn Scaraba (Instance) 204,400 1,230 - 1,738 574 - 928 8,940 8,824 Insect Earth 1 Small 135 10 0 0 439 411 Boss
130 Uni-horn Scaraba (Instance) 204,400 1,230 - 1,738 574 - 928 0 0 Insect Earth 1 Small 135 10 0 0 439 411 Boss
134 Horn Scaraba (Instance) 235,600 730 - 1,006 2,422 - 4,276 10,060 10,007 Insect Earth 1 Small 150 15 0 0 362 488 Boss
134 Horn Scaraba (Instance) 235,600 730 - 1,006 2,422 - 4,276 0 0 Insect Earth 1 Small 150 15 0 0 362 488 Boss
135 Jitterbug 2,614,000 2,892 - 4,176 672 - 1,089 36,804 23,170 Demon Undead 2 Large 123 68 0 0 413 413 Boss
136 Antler Scaraba (Instance) 250,400 488 - 653 2,592 - 4,519 10,160 11,561 Insect Earth 2 Medium 155 20 0 0 395 497 Boss
136 Antler Scaraba (Instance) 250,400 488 - 653 2,592 - 4,519 0 0 Insect Earth 2 Medium 155 15 0 0 395 497 Boss
139 Rake Horn Scaraba (Instance) 270,800 1,697 - 2,429 622 - 1,000 11,480 13,189 Insect Earth 2 Medium 250 25 0 0 475 461 Boss
139 Rake Horn Scaraba (Instance) 270,800 1,697 - 2,429 622 - 1,000 0 0 Insect Earth 2 Medium 250 20 0 0 475 461 Boss
140 Awakened Ferre 19,471,800 1,540 - 2,140 1,040 - 1,640 3,132,000 2,720,300 Demon Undead 3 Large 200 68 0 0 440 530 Boss
178 Gertie Wie 2,040,000 4,091 - 5,958 1,394 - 2,395 80,000 40,000 Demon Poison 4 Medium 160 100 0 0 508 558 Boss
185 Schulang 23,586,543 3,890 - 5,647 1,735 - 2,910 0 0 Demon Ghost 2 Medium 275 115 0 0 596 577 Boss
185 슐랑 2,000,000,000 3,890 - 5,647 1,919 - 3,251 0 0 Demon Ghost 2 Medium 275 115 0 0 596 577 Boss
185 일그러진 신 2,000,000,000 4,124 - 5,993 1,665 - 2,804 0 0 Angel Holy 2 Medium 456 112 0 0 562 541 Boss
186 Wanderer Trentini 10,800,000 3,606 - 5,206 4,786 - 8,386 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Wind 4 Medium 200 200 0 0 686 656 Boss
186 Twisted God 23,834,938 4,125 - 5,994 1,662 - 2,797 0 0 Angel Holy 2 Medium 456 112 0 0 563 542 Boss
187 Archbishop Margaretha 14,400,000 2,447 - 3,447 5,407 - 9,607 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Holy 4 Medium 320 800 0 0 547 657 Boss
188 Shadow Chaser Gertie 3,600,000 6,148 - 8,948 2,038 - 3,538 0 0 Demon Poison 4 Medium 320 200 0 0 648 778 Boss
224 슐랑 2,000,000,000 7,076 - 10,373 1,106 - 1,737 0 0 Demon Ghost 2 Medium 217 70 205 368 602 564 Boss
224 Twisted God 2,000,000,000 7,076 - 10,373 1,106 - 1,737 0 0 Angel Holy 2 Medium 314 520 249 499 602 564 Boss
240 환영의 각성 페르 79,751,570 6,646 - 9,649 5,568 - 9,793 0 0 Demon Undead 3 Large 200 68 505 500 640 630 Boss

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Date Field Old New
2023-01-13 00:42 name NPC_WIDECONFUSE2 Demonic Mass Confuse
2023-01-13 00:42 MaxLv 0 5
2020-05-02 05:27 description
2020-05-02 05:27 name NPC_WIDECONFUSE2
2020-05-02 05:27 MaxLv 0
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.