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Class Enchant Stone Box II (Garment)
100495 Stone_Robe2_Box

A box containing stones that can be used to enchant Costume.
It contain one of 3rd Job Enchant Stone (Garment):

Sura Stone II (Garment),
Sorcerer Stone II (Garment),
Shadow Chaser Stone II (Garment),
Soul Reaper Stone (Garment),
Star Emperor Stone (Garment),
Ranger Stone II (Garment),
Mechanic Stone II (Garment),
Archbishop Stone II (Garment),
Warlock Stone II (Garment),
Royal Guard Stone II (Garment),
Guillotine Cross Stone II (Garment),
Rune Knight Stone II (Garment),
Genetic Stone II (Garment),
Wanderer Ministrel Stone II(Garment),
Weight : 1

Item information

Sell price -
Weight 1
Type Consumable
Subtype Special
Can be dropped by player no
Can be traded to another player no
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart no
Can be sold to NPC yes
Can be send via mail no
Can be sold as an auction no
Can be placed in guild storage no
Added 2023-07-21


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:56 identifiedResourceName ?곸씤?꾩쭅?곸옄 상인전직상자
2024-09-04 01:56 unidentifiedResourceName ?곸씤?꾩쭅?곸옄 상인전직상자
2024-09-03 23:11 unidentifiedResourceName 상인전직상자 ?곸씤?꾩쭅?곸옄
2024-09-03 23:11 identifiedResourceName 상인전직상자 ?곸씤?꾩쭅?곸옄
2023-07-21 01:01 unidentifiedResourceName 상인전직상자
2023-07-21 01:01 unidentifiedDescriptionName A box containing stones that can be used to enchant Costume.
It contain one of 3rd Job Enchant Stone (Garment):

Sura Stone II (Garment),
Sorcerer Stone II (Garment),
Shadow Chaser Stone II (Garment),
Soul Reaper Stone (Garment),
Star Emperor Stone (Garment),
Ranger Stone II (Garment),
Mechanic Stone II (Garment),
Archbishop Stone II (Garment),
Warlock Stone II (Garment),
Royal Guard Stone II (Garment),
Guillotine Cross Stone II (Garment),
Rune Knight Stone II (Garment),
Genetic Stone II (Garment),
Wanderer Ministrel Stone II(Garment),
2023-07-21 01:01 unidentifiedDisplayName Class Enchant Box II (Garment)
2023-07-21 01:01 identifiedDescriptionName A box containing stones that can be used to enchant Costume.
It contain one of 3rd Job Enchant Stone (Garment):

Sura Stone II (Garment),
Sorcerer Stone II (Garment),
Shadow Chaser Stone II (Garment),
Soul Reaper Stone (Garment),
Star Emperor Stone (Garment),
Ranger Stone II (Garment),
Mechanic Stone II (Garment),
Archbishop Stone II (Garment),
Warlock Stone II (Garment),
Royal Guard Stone II (Garment),
Guillotine Cross Stone II (Garment),
Rune Knight Stone II (Garment),
Genetic Stone II (Garment),
Wanderer Ministrel Stone II(Garment),
Weight : 1
2023-07-21 01:01 identifiedResourceName 상인전직상자
2023-07-21 01:01 identifiedDisplayName Class Enchant Stone Box II (Garment)
2023-07-21 01:01 weight 1
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.