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Ancient Heros Weapon Box
23806 Hero_Weapon_Box

A box containing ancient hero's weapon.
It contains one of 38 ancient hero's weapons.
Royal Bow, Shadow Staff
Iron Nail, Narcis Bow
Madogum, Aquatic Spear
Iron Staff, Red Lotus Sword
Avenger, Gold Road Launcher
Exorcist's Bible, Shiver Katar
One Sky One Sun, Huuma Shuriken Clear
Kiri no Tsuyu, Crimson Rose
Meowmeow Foxtail, The Black
Oriental Sword, Sharp Wind Sword
Master Soul Rifle
Demon Slayer Shot, Spirit Pendulum
Dragonic Slayer
Light Blade
Meteor Striker
Slate Sword
Trumpet Shell
Barbed Wire Whip
Saint Hall, Ray Knuckle
Blade Katar
Scarlet Dragon Leather Bow
Blue Crystal Staff
Chilling Cane, Freedom Stick
Blessed Knife
Weight : 200

Item information

Sell price -
Weight 200
Type Consumable
Subtype Special
Can be dropped by player yes
Can be traded to another player yes
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart yes
Can be sold to NPC yes
Can be send via mail yes
Can be sold as an auction yes
Can be placed in guild storage yes
Added 2021-10-23
Level Name Health Race Element Scale Def MDef Res Mres Req. Hit Req. Flee Type Chance
180 Unknown Swordsman 75,500,000 Human Fire 2 Medium 585 235 0 0 557 628 Boss 1%
Name Chance Enchant
1x  Iron Nail [2] 2.632%
1x  Iron Staff [2] 2.632%
1x  Huuma Shuriken Clear [2] 2.632%
1x  Red Lotus Sword [2] 2.632%
1x  Royal Bow [2] 2.632%
1x  Narcissus Bow [2] 2.632%
1x  Oriental Sword [2] 2.632%
1x  Shadow Staff [2] 2.632%
1x  Spirit Pendulum [2] 2.632%
1x  Meowmeow Foxtail [2] 2.632%
1x  Katar of Shiver [2] 2.632%
1x  Avenger [2] 2.632%
1x  Master Soul Rifle [2] 2.632%
1x  Demon Slayer Shot Gun [2] 2.632%
1x  Golden Rod Launcher [2] 2.632%
1x  Avengers Gatling Gun [2] 2.632%
1x  Exoricist's Bible [2] 2.632%
1x  One Sky One Sun [2] 2.632%
1x  Magic Sword [2] 2.632%
1x  Sharp Wind Sword [2] 2.632%
1x  Fog Dew Sword [2] 2.632%
1x  Aquatic Spear [2] 2.632%
1x  Crimson Rose [2] 2.632%
1x  Light Blade [2] 2.632%
1x  Slate Sword [2] 2.632%
1x  Fatalist [2] 2.632%
1x  Blessed Knife [2] 2.632%
1x  Chilling Cane [2] 2.632%
1x  Freedom Stick [2] 2.632%
1x  Ray Knuckle [2] 2.632%
1x  Trumpet Shell [2] 2.632%
1x  Barbed Wire Whip [2] 2.632%
1x  Meteor Striker [2] 2.632%
1x  Saint Mace [2] 2.632%
1x  Dragonic Slayer [2] 2.632%
1x  Blade Katar [2] 2.632%
1x  Blue Crystal Staff [2] 2.632%
1x  Scarlet Dragon Leather Bow [2] 2.632%
Name Chance Refine Enchant
 영혼의 뚫어뻥 스크롤 II 0.5%
 별과 영혼의 스크롤 0.5%
 Kachua's Secret Box 1%


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:56 unidentifiedDescriptionName A box containing ancient hero's weapon.
It contains one of 38 ancient hero's weapons.
Royal Bow, Shadow Staff
Iron Nail, Narcis Bow
Madogum, Aquatic Spear
Iron Staff, Red Lotus Sword
Avenger, Gold Road Launcher
Exorcist's Bible, Shiver Katar
One Sky One Sun, Huuma Shuriken Clear
Kiri no Tsuyu, Crimson Rose
Meowmeow Foxtail, The Black
Oriental Sword, Sharp Wind Sword
Master Soul Rifle
Demon Slayer Shot, Spirit Pendulum
Dragonic Slayer
Light Blade
Meteor Striker
Slate Sword
Trumpet Shell
Barbed Wire Whip
Saint Hall, Ray Knuckle
Blade Katar
Scarlet Dragon Leather Bow
Blue Crystal Staff
Chilling Cane, Freedom Stick
Blessed Knife,
The Black, Master Soul Rifle,
Crimson Rose, Demon Slayer Shot,
Huuma Shuriken Clear
A box containing ancient hero's weapon.
It contains one of 38 ancient hero's weapons.
Royal Bow, Shadow Staff
Iron Nail, Narcis Bow
Madogum, Aquatic Spear
Iron Staff, Red Lotus Sword
Avenger, Gold Road Launcher
Exorcist's Bible, Shiver Katar
One Sky One Sun, Huuma Shuriken Clear
Kiri no Tsuyu, Crimson Rose
Meowmeow Foxtail, The Black
Oriental Sword, Sharp Wind Sword
Master Soul Rifle
Demon Slayer Shot, Spirit Pendulum
Dragonic Slayer
Light Blade
Meteor Striker
Slate Sword
Trumpet Shell
Barbed Wire Whip
Saint Hall, Ray Knuckle
Blade Katar
Scarlet Dragon Leather Bow
Blue Crystal Staff
Chilling Cane, Freedom Stick
Blessed Knife,
The Black, Master Soul Rifle,
Crimson Rose, Demon Slayer Shot,
Huuma Shuriken Clear
2024-09-04 01:56 unidentifiedResourceName 踰덊샇?곸옄05 번호상자05
2024-09-04 01:56 identifiedResourceName 踰덊샇?곸옄05 번호상자05
2024-09-04 01:56 identifiedDescriptionName A box containing ancient hero's weapon.
It contains one of 38 ancient hero's weapons.
Royal Bow, Shadow Staff
Iron Nail, Narcis Bow
Madogum, Aquatic Spear
Iron Staff, Red Lotus Sword
Avenger, Gold Road Launcher
Exorcist's Bible, Shiver Katar
One Sky One Sun, Huuma Shuriken Clear
Kiri no Tsuyu, Crimson Rose
Meowmeow Foxtail, The Black
Oriental Sword, Sharp Wind Sword
Master Soul Rifle
Demon Slayer Shot, Spirit Pendulum
Dragonic Slayer
Light Blade
Meteor Striker
Slate Sword
Trumpet Shell
Barbed Wire Whip
Saint Hall, Ray Knuckle
Blade Katar
Scarlet Dragon Leather Bow
Blue Crystal Staff
Chilling Cane, Freedom Stick
Blessed Knife
Weight : 200
A box containing ancient hero's weapon.
It contains one of 38 ancient hero's weapons.
Royal Bow, Shadow Staff
Iron Nail, Narcis Bow
Madogum, Aquatic Spear
Iron Staff, Red Lotus Sword
Avenger, Gold Road Launcher
Exorcist's Bible, Shiver Katar
One Sky One Sun, Huuma Shuriken Clear
Kiri no Tsuyu, Crimson Rose
Meowmeow Foxtail, The Black
Oriental Sword, Sharp Wind Sword
Master Soul Rifle
Demon Slayer Shot, Spirit Pendulum
Dragonic Slayer
Light Blade
Meteor Striker
Slate Sword
Trumpet Shell
Barbed Wire Whip
Saint Hall, Ray Knuckle
Blade Katar
Scarlet Dragon Leather Bow
Blue Crystal Staff
Chilling Cane, Freedom Stick
Blessed Knife
Weight : 200
2024-09-03 23:11 identifiedDescriptionName A box containing ancient hero's weapon.
It contains one of 38 ancient hero's weapons.
Royal Bow, Shadow Staff
Iron Nail, Narcis Bow
Madogum, Aquatic Spear
Iron Staff, Red Lotus Sword
Avenger, Gold Road Launcher
Exorcist's Bible, Shiver Katar
One Sky One Sun, Huuma Shuriken Clear
Kiri no Tsuyu, Crimson Rose
Meowmeow Foxtail, The Black
Oriental Sword, Sharp Wind Sword
Master Soul Rifle
Demon Slayer Shot, Spirit Pendulum
Dragonic Slayer
Light Blade
Meteor Striker
Slate Sword
Trumpet Shell
Barbed Wire Whip
Saint Hall, Ray Knuckle
Blade Katar
Scarlet Dragon Leather Bow
Blue Crystal Staff
Chilling Cane, Freedom Stick
Blessed Knife
Weight : 200
A box containing ancient hero's weapon.
It contains one of 38 ancient hero's weapons.
Royal Bow, Shadow Staff
Iron Nail, Narcis Bow
Madogum, Aquatic Spear
Iron Staff, Red Lotus Sword
Avenger, Gold Road Launcher
Exorcist's Bible, Shiver Katar
One Sky One Sun, Huuma Shuriken Clear
Kiri no Tsuyu, Crimson Rose
Meowmeow Foxtail, The Black
Oriental Sword, Sharp Wind Sword
Master Soul Rifle
Demon Slayer Shot, Spirit Pendulum
Dragonic Slayer
Light Blade
Meteor Striker
Slate Sword
Trumpet Shell
Barbed Wire Whip
Saint Hall, Ray Knuckle
Blade Katar
Scarlet Dragon Leather Bow
Blue Crystal Staff
Chilling Cane, Freedom Stick
Blessed Knife
Weight : 200
2024-09-03 23:11 identifiedResourceName 번호상자05 踰덊샇?곸옄05
2024-09-03 23:11 unidentifiedDescriptionName A box containing ancient hero's weapon.
It contains one of 38 ancient hero's weapons.
Royal Bow, Shadow Staff
Iron Nail, Narcis Bow
Madogum, Aquatic Spear
Iron Staff, Red Lotus Sword
Avenger, Gold Road Launcher
Exorcist's Bible, Shiver Katar
One Sky One Sun, Huuma Shuriken Clear
Kiri no Tsuyu, Crimson Rose
Meowmeow Foxtail, The Black
Oriental Sword, Sharp Wind Sword
Master Soul Rifle
Demon Slayer Shot, Spirit Pendulum
Dragonic Slayer
Light Blade
Meteor Striker
Slate Sword
Trumpet Shell
Barbed Wire Whip
Saint Hall, Ray Knuckle
Blade Katar
Scarlet Dragon Leather Bow
Blue Crystal Staff
Chilling Cane, Freedom Stick
Blessed Knife,
The Black, Master Soul Rifle,
Crimson Rose, Demon Slayer Shot,
Huuma Shuriken Clear
A box containing ancient hero's weapon.
It contains one of 38 ancient hero's weapons.
Royal Bow, Shadow Staff
Iron Nail, Narcis Bow
Madogum, Aquatic Spear
Iron Staff, Red Lotus Sword
Avenger, Gold Road Launcher
Exorcist's Bible, Shiver Katar
One Sky One Sun, Huuma Shuriken Clear
Kiri no Tsuyu, Crimson Rose
Meowmeow Foxtail, The Black
Oriental Sword, Sharp Wind Sword
Master Soul Rifle
Demon Slayer Shot, Spirit Pendulum
Dragonic Slayer
Light Blade
Meteor Striker
Slate Sword
Trumpet Shell
Barbed Wire Whip
Saint Hall, Ray Knuckle
Blade Katar
Scarlet Dragon Leather Bow
Blue Crystal Staff
Chilling Cane, Freedom Stick
Blessed Knife,
The Black, Master Soul Rifle,
Crimson Rose, Demon Slayer Shot,
Huuma Shuriken Clear
2024-09-03 23:11 unidentifiedResourceName 번호상자05 踰덊샇?곸옄05
2022-11-01 15:23 unidentifiedDescriptionName The box containing the weapons of the ancient hero.
One of 34 ancient hero's weapon can be obtained.
Royal Bow, Shadow Staff
Iron Nail, Narcis Bow
Magic Sword, Aquatic Spear
Iron Staff, Sword of Bluefire
Avenger, Demon Hunting Bible, Shiver Katar
Meaw Foxtail, Oriental Sword,
Dragonic Slayer,
Light Blade,
Meteor Striker,
Slate Sword
Trumpet Shell,
Barb Wire,
Saint Hall, Ray Knuckle
Blade Katar,
Scarlet Dragon Leather Bow,
Blue Crystal Staff,
Freezing Rod,
Fog Dew Sword, Sharp Wind Sword,
The Black, Master Soul Rifle,
Crimson Rose, Demon Slayer Shotgun,
Huuma Shuriken Clear
A box containing ancient hero's weapon.
It contains one of 38 ancient hero's weapons.
Royal Bow, Shadow Staff
Iron Nail, Narcis Bow
Madogum, Aquatic Spear
Iron Staff, Red Lotus Sword
Avenger, Gold Road Launcher
Exorcist's Bible, Shiver Katar
One Sky One Sun, Huuma Shuriken Clear
Kiri no Tsuyu, Crimson Rose
Meowmeow Foxtail, The Black
Oriental Sword, Sharp Wind Sword
Master Soul Rifle
Demon Slayer Shot, Spirit Pendulum
Dragonic Slayer
Light Blade
Meteor Striker
Slate Sword
Trumpet Shell
Barbed Wire Whip
Saint Hall, Ray Knuckle
Blade Katar
Scarlet Dragon Leather Bow
Blue Crystal Staff
Chilling Cane, Freedom Stick
Blessed Knife,
The Black, Master Soul Rifle,
Crimson Rose, Demon Slayer Shot,
Huuma Shuriken Clear
2022-11-01 15:23 identifiedDescriptionName The box containing the weapons of the ancient hero.
One of 34 ancient hero's weapon can be obtained.
Royal Bow, Shadow Staff
Iron Nail, Narcis Bow
Magic Sword, Aquatic Spear
Iron Staff, Sword of Bluefire
Avenger, Demon Hunting Bible, Shiver Katar
Meaw Foxtail, Oriental Sword,
Dragonic Slayer,
Light Blade,
Meteor Striker,
Slate Sword
Trumpet Shell,
Barb Wire,
Saint Hall, Ray Knuckle
Blade Katar,
Scarlet Dragon Leather Bow,
Blue Crystal Staff,
Freezing Rod,
Fog Dew Sword, Sharp Wind Sword,
The Black, Master Soul Rifle,
Crimson Rose, Demon Slayer Shotgun,
Huuma Shuriken Clear
Weight : 200
A box containing ancient hero's weapon.
It contains one of 38 ancient hero's weapons.
Royal Bow, Shadow Staff
Iron Nail, Narcis Bow
Madogum, Aquatic Spear
Iron Staff, Red Lotus Sword
Avenger, Gold Road Launcher
Exorcist's Bible, Shiver Katar
One Sky One Sun, Huuma Shuriken Clear
Kiri no Tsuyu, Crimson Rose
Meowmeow Foxtail, The Black
Oriental Sword, Sharp Wind Sword
Master Soul Rifle
Demon Slayer Shot, Spirit Pendulum
Dragonic Slayer
Light Blade
Meteor Striker
Slate Sword
Trumpet Shell
Barbed Wire Whip
Saint Hall, Ray Knuckle
Blade Katar
Scarlet Dragon Leather Bow
Blue Crystal Staff
Chilling Cane, Freedom Stick
Blessed Knife
Weight : 200
2022-04-22 04:04 unidentifiedDescriptionName A box with ancient hero's armament.
Contains one of 26 Ancient Hero Weapons.
Royal Bow, Shadow Staff
Iron Nail, Narcissus Bow
Magic Sword, Aquatic Spear
Iron Staff, Red Lotus Sword
Avenger, Exoricist's Bible, Katar of Shiver
Meowmeow Foxtail, Oriental Sword,
Dragonic Slayer,
Light Blade,
Meteor Striker,
Slate Sword,
Trumpet Shell,
Barbed Wire Whip,
Saint Mace, Ray Knuckle
Blade Katar,
Scarlet Dragon Leather Bow
Blue Crystal Staff
Chilling Cane
The box containing the weapons of the ancient hero.
One of 34 ancient hero's weapon can be obtained.
Royal Bow, Shadow Staff
Iron Nail, Narcis Bow
Magic Sword, Aquatic Spear
Iron Staff, Sword of Bluefire
Avenger, Demon Hunting Bible, Shiver Katar
Meaw Foxtail, Oriental Sword,
Dragonic Slayer,
Light Blade,
Meteor Striker,
Slate Sword
Trumpet Shell,
Barb Wire,
Saint Hall, Ray Knuckle
Blade Katar,
Scarlet Dragon Leather Bow,
Blue Crystal Staff,
Freezing Rod,
Fog Dew Sword, Sharp Wind Sword,
The Black, Master Soul Rifle,
Crimson Rose, Demon Slayer Shotgun,
Huuma Shuriken Clear
2022-04-22 04:04 unidentifiedDisplayName Ancient Hero's Weapon Box Ancient Heros Weapon Box
2022-04-22 04:04 identifiedDescriptionName A box with ancient hero's armament.
[Contains one of 26 Ancient Hero Weapons.
Royal Bow, Shadow Staff
Iron Nail, Narcissus Bow
Magic Sword, Aquatic Spear
Iron Staff, Red Lotus Sword
Avenger, Exoricist's Bible, Katar of Shiver
Meowmeow Foxtail, Oriental Sword,
Dragonic Slayer,
Light Blade,
Meteor Striker,
Slate Sword,
Trumpet Shell,
Barbed Wire Whip,
Saint Mace, Ray Knuckle
Blade Katar,
Scarlet Dragon Leather Bow
Blue Crystal Staff
Chilling Cane
Weight: 200
The box containing the weapons of the ancient hero.
One of 34 ancient hero's weapon can be obtained.
Royal Bow, Shadow Staff
Iron Nail, Narcis Bow
Magic Sword, Aquatic Spear
Iron Staff, Sword of Bluefire
Avenger, Demon Hunting Bible, Shiver Katar
Meaw Foxtail, Oriental Sword,
Dragonic Slayer,
Light Blade,
Meteor Striker,
Slate Sword
Trumpet Shell,
Barb Wire,
Saint Hall, Ray Knuckle
Blade Katar,
Scarlet Dragon Leather Bow,
Blue Crystal Staff,
Freezing Rod,
Fog Dew Sword, Sharp Wind Sword,
The Black, Master Soul Rifle,
Crimson Rose, Demon Slayer Shotgun,
Huuma Shuriken Clear
Weight : 200
2022-04-22 04:04 identifiedDisplayName Ancient Hero's Weapon Box Ancient Heros Weapon Box
2021-10-23 09:46 unidentifiedDescriptionName A box with ancient hero's armament.
Contains one of 26 Ancient Hero Weapons.
Royal Bow, Shadow Staff
Iron Nail, Narcissus Bow
Magic Sword, Aquatic Spear
Iron Staff, Red Lotus Sword
Avenger, Exoricist's Bible, Katar of Shiver
Meowmeow Foxtail, Oriental Sword,
Dragonic Slayer,
Light Blade,
Meteor Striker,
Slate Sword,
Trumpet Shell,
Barbed Wire Whip,
Saint Mace, Ray Knuckle
Blade Katar,
Scarlet Dragon Leather Bow
Blue Crystal Staff
Chilling Cane
2021-10-23 09:46 unidentifiedResourceName 번호상자05
2021-10-23 09:46 identifiedResourceName 번호상자05
2021-10-23 09:46 unidentifiedDisplayName Ancient Hero's Weapon Box
2021-10-23 09:46 identifiedDescriptionName A box with ancient hero's armament.
[Contains one of 26 Ancient Hero Weapons.
Royal Bow, Shadow Staff
Iron Nail, Narcissus Bow
Magic Sword, Aquatic Spear
Iron Staff, Red Lotus Sword
Avenger, Exoricist's Bible, Katar of Shiver
Meowmeow Foxtail, Oriental Sword,
Dragonic Slayer,
Light Blade,
Meteor Striker,
Slate Sword,
Trumpet Shell,
Barbed Wire Whip,
Saint Mace, Ray Knuckle
Blade Katar,
Scarlet Dragon Leather Bow
Blue Crystal Staff
Chilling Cane
Weight: 200
2021-10-23 09:46 weight 200
2021-10-23 09:46 identifiedDisplayName Ancient Hero's Weapon Box
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.