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578 Strawberry 딸기

A red berry that is renown for its slightly sweet and sour taste, and is best eaten fresh.
Class: Recovery
Weight: 2
Restores 16 to 28 SP.

Item information

Sell price 100 zeny
Weight 2
Type Consumable
Subtype Regeneration
Can be dropped by player yes
Can be traded to another player yes
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart yes
Can be sold to NPC yes
Can be send via mail yes
Can be sold as an auction yes
Can be placed in guild storage yes
Added 2012-08-09
Level Name Health Race Element Scale Def MDef Res Mres Req. Hit Req. Flee Type Chance
1 [PH] Monster Name 15 Plant Water 1 Medium 160 5 0 0 202 1170 Normal 10%
18 Spore 223 Plant Water 1 Medium 12 10 0 0 223 200 Normal 6%
18 Boa 203 Brute Earth 1 Medium 9 8 0 0 226 202 Normal 30%
18 Swift Spore 1,115 Plant Water 1 Medium 12 10 0 0 223 200 30%
18 Boa Ringleader 1,015 Brute Earth 1 Medium 9 8 0 0 226 202 100%
19 Yoyo 2 879 Brute Earth 1 Small 0 0 0 0 243 221 Normal 2.5%
38 Yoyo 694 Brute Earth 1 Small 40 0 0 0 249 227 Normal 5%
38 Swift Yoyo 3,470 Brute Earth 1 Small 40 0 0 0 249 227 25%
38 Solid Yoyo 6,940 Brute Earth 1 Small 40 0 0 0 249 227 25%
44 암흑 스포어 1,694 Plant Water 1 Medium 56 30 0 0 259 251 Normal 5%
45 Wolf 1,091 Brute Earth 1 Medium 55 3 0 0 269 248 Normal 3%
45 Swift Wolf 5,455 Brute Earth 1 Medium 55 3 0 0 269 248 15%
90 Hermit Plant 4,381 Plant Fire 2 Small 56 62 0 0 341 351 Normal 5%
101 Spore 40,000 Plant Water 1 Medium 152 10 0 0 356 396 Normal 6%
103 Wolf 70,000 Brute Earth 1 Medium 158 3 0 0 364 404 Normal 3%
103 Snake 70,000 Brute Earth 1 Medium 159 8 0 0 365 405 Normal 30%
132 Pitaya 158,478 Plant Fire 1 Small 267 74 0 0 417 395 Normal 3%
162 Pitaya 648,023 Plant Fire 1 Small 351 92 0 0 484 464 Normal 1.5%
Name Chance Refine Enchant
 Fruit Basket 0.5%
 Fruit Basket 0.5%


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:54 identifiedResourceName ?멸린 딸기
2024-09-04 01:54 unidentifiedResourceName ?멸린 딸기
2024-09-03 23:09 identifiedResourceName 딸기 ?멸린
2024-09-03 23:09 unidentifiedResourceName 딸기 ?멸린
2018-05-12 01:15 weight 0 2
2018-05-09 19:58 weight 2 0
2018-01-12 04:03 unidentifiedDescriptionName A red berry that
is renown for its
slightly sweet and
sour taste, and is
best eaten fresh.
Restores a small
amount of SP.

Weight: 2
A red berry that is renown for its slightly sweet and sour taste, and is best eaten fresh.
Class: Recovery
Weight: 2
Restores 16 to 28 SP.
2018-01-12 04:03 identifiedDescriptionName A red berry that is renown for its slightly sweet and sour taste, and is best eaten fresh.
Type: Consumable
Class: Recovery
Weight: 2
Restores 16 to 28 SP.
A red berry that is renown for its slightly sweet and sour taste, and is best eaten fresh.
Class: Recovery
Weight: 2
Restores 16 to 28 SP.
2017-08-19 09:00 unidentifiedDescriptionName A red berry that
is renown for its
slightly sweet and
sour taste, and is
best eaten fresh.
Restores a small
amount of SP.

Weight: 2
A red berry that
is renown for its
slightly sweet and
sour taste, and is
best eaten fresh.
Restores a small
amount of SP.

Weight: 2
2017-08-19 09:00 identifiedDescriptionName A red berry that is renown for its slightly sweet and sour taste, and is best eaten fresh.
Type: Consumable
Class: Recovery
Weight: 2
Restores 16 to 28 SP.
A red berry that is renown for its slightly sweet and sour taste, and is best eaten fresh.
Type: Consumable
Class: Recovery
Weight: 2
Restores 16 to 28 SP.
2017-08-19 08:42 unidentifiedDescriptionName A red berry that
is renown for its
slightly sweet and
sour taste, and is
best eaten fresh.
Restores a small
amount of SP.

Weight: 2
A red berry that
is renown for its
slightly sweet and
sour taste, and is
best eaten fresh.
Restores a small
amount of SP.

Weight: 2
2017-08-19 08:42 identifiedDescriptionName A red berry that is renown for its slightly sweet and sour taste, and is best eaten fresh.
Type: Consumable
Class: Recovery
Weight: 2
Restores 16 to 28 SP.
A red berry that is renown for its slightly sweet and sour taste, and is best eaten fresh.
Type: Consumable
Class: Recovery
Weight: 2
Restores 16 to 28 SP.
2017-01-23 12:14 unidentifiedResourceName µþ±â 딸기
2017-01-23 12:14 identifiedResourceName µþ±â 딸기
2016-12-23 08:01 unidentifiedResourceName 딸기 µþ±â
2016-12-23 08:01 unidentifiedDescriptionName A red berry that
is renown for its
slightly sweet and
sour taste, and is
best eaten fresh.
Restores a small
amount of SP.

Weight: 2
A red berry that
is renown for its
slightly sweet and
sour taste, and is
best eaten fresh.
Restores a small
amount of SP.

Weight: 2
2016-12-23 08:01 identifiedResourceName 딸기 µþ±â
2016-12-23 08:01 identifiedDescriptionName A red berry that is renown for its slightly sweet and sour taste, and is best eaten fresh.
Type: Consumable
Class: Recovery
Weight: 2
Restores 16 to 28 SP.
A red berry that is renown for its slightly sweet and sour taste, and is best eaten fresh.
Type: Consumable
Class: Recovery
Weight: 2
Restores 16 to 28 SP.
2016-05-27 01:40 identifiedDescriptionName SP Recovery Item
A red berry that is renown for its slightly sweet and sour taste, and is best eaten fresh.
Restores a small amount of SP.
Weight : 2
A red berry that is renown for its slightly sweet and sour taste, and is best eaten fresh.
Type: Consumable
Class: Recovery
Weight: 2
Restores 16 to 28 SP.
2015-10-29 01:40 unidentifiedDescriptionName A red berry that
is renown for its
slightly sweet and
sour taste, and is
best eaten fresh.
Restores a small
amount of SP.

Weight: 2
A red berry that
is renown for its
slightly sweet and
sour taste, and is
best eaten fresh.
Restores a small
amount of SP.

Weight: 2
2015-10-29 01:40 identifiedDescriptionName A red berry that
is renown for its
slightly sweet and
sour taste, and is
best eaten fresh.
Restores a small
amount of SP.

Weight: 2
SP Recovery Item
A red berry that is renown for its slightly sweet and sour taste, and is best eaten fresh.
Restores a small amount of SP.
Weight : 2
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.