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Phantom Amdarais


Basic Info
20573 Lv. 192
Demon Large Dark 3
Primary stats
365 STR 328 AGI 175 VIT
211 INT 437 DEX 168 LUK
Secondary stats
2,000,000,000 Health 446 Def 82 MDef
3 Range 7,565 - 11,069 Attack 2,293 - 3,914 MATK
720 Req. Hit 799 Req. Flee
0 Res (-0.00%) 0 Mres (-0.00%)
8.33 Speed (cells/sec)
0.83 Aspd (attacks/sec)


Neutral 100%
Water 100%
Earth 100%
Fire 100%
Wind 100%
Poison 50%
Holy 175%
Dark 0%
Ghost 70%
Undead 0%


The stats of this monster scale with the dungeon level.

  Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10
Attack 7.780 8.620 10.020 11.980 14.500 17.580 21.220 25.420 90.540 106.500
Magic Attack 2.955 3.420 4.195 5.280 6.675 8.380 10.395 12.720 30.710 36.600
750.000.000 900.000.000 1.350.000.000 1.500.000.000 1.650.000.000 1.800.000.000
150 190 230 270 310 350 390 430 470


Aggressive Assist Looter Change target Change target on attack Immobile Cast sensor Boss
Id Name Enchant Type Subtype Sell price Drop chance
 616 Old Card Album Consumable Special 5,000z 50%
 617 Old Purple Box Consumable Special 5,000z 50%
 1004 Chivalry Emblem Etc. - 0z 100%
 25866 Temporal Spell Etc. - 10z 5%
 25864 Sealed Circlet of Time Etc. - 0z 30%
 25864 Sealed Circlet of Time Etc. - 0z 5%
 7925 Powerful Dimensional Essence Etc. - 10z 0.03%
 27383 Phantom of Amdarais Card * Card - 10z 0.01%
* This item is protected from being stolen.
Id Name Type Subtype Sell price Drop chance Note
 617 Old Purple Box Consumable Special 5,000z 10%
 12246 Mystical Card Album Consumable Special 5,000z 30%
Level >= % Exp Job Exp
176 40 2,112,554 1,478,788
177 115 6,073,595 4,251,516
178 120 6,337,664 4,436,365
179 125 6,601,733 4,621,213
180 130 6,865,803 4,806,062
181 135 7,129,872 4,990,910
182 140 7,393,941 5,175,759
183 135 7,129,872 4,990,910
184 130 6,865,803 4,806,062
185 125 6,601,733 4,621,213
186 120 6,337,664 4,436,365
187 115 6,073,595 4,251,516
188 110 5,809,525 4,066,668
189 105 5,545,456 3,881,819
192 100 5,281,387 3,696,971
193 100 5,281,387 3,696,971
198 95 5,017,317 3,512,122
203 90 4,753,248 3,327,273
208 85 4,489,178 3,142,425
213 60 3,168,832 2,218,182
218 35 1,848,485 1,293,939
223 10 528,138 369,697
Name Interruptable State Level CHANCE Casttime Delay Condition
NPC_DARKSTRIKE yes Idling 10 100% instant none If monster can't reach player who damaged it.
NPC_DARKSTRIKE yes Chasing 5 50% instant 1 sec
NPC_MOVE_COORDINATE no Chasing 1 50% instant 30 sec
Dragon Fear no Attacking 5 20% 1 sec 20 sec
Demonic Hell Judgment no Attacking 5 100% 4 sec 1 min If the monster's health drops below 30%.
NPC_GRANDDARKNESS no Attacking 10 100% 2 sec 30 sec If the monster's health drops below 30%.
NPC_POWERUP yes Attacking 3 100% instant 1 min If the monster's health drops below 30%.
Vampire's Gift yes Attacking 5 100% instant none If the monster is attacked with the skill Acid Bomb.
Critical Wounds no Attacking 4 5% 0.5 sec 5 sec
NPC_CHANGEUNDEAD yes Attacking 1 5% instant 1 min
NPC_MENTALBREAKER yes Attacking 4 5% 1 sec 5 sec
NPC_CRITICALSLASH yes Attacking 1 100% instant 30 sec
NPC_DARKCROSS yes Attacking 10 50% instant 5 sec
NPC_MOVE_COORDINATE no Attacking 1 50% instant 1 min
NPC_UNDEADATTACK no Attacking 10 100% 0.5 sec 5 sec
NPC_CURSEATTACK yes Attacking 5 40% instant 30 sec
NPC_STUNATTACK yes Attacking 5 20% instant 30 sec
Magnum Break no Attacking 10 100% 0.5 sec 1 min
Ganbantein no Attacking 1 70% instant 1 min
NPC_DEFENDER yes Attacking 5 50% instant 1 min If the monster is under range attack.
NPC_IMMUNE_PROPERTY yes Attacking 7 50% instant 2 min If the monster's health drops below 70%.
Title Quickinfo Info
Eliminate Phantom in Glastheim Eliminate Phantom Amdarais Eliminate at least one of two Phantoms in Glastheim
You can complete this quest even if you eliminate just one of them
 Play  Name


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Ghostring Card 1 obtained.