Calla Spritesheet


Interior (ein_in01)

Title Quickinfo Info
Klitzer and Calla Take Calla's Violin to Klitzer. Well, maybe I can't see him, but would you give my violin to Klitzer for me? I used to play this for him all the time...
Klitzer and Calla Deliver Calla's message to Klitzer. Oh, if you pass by Einbroch, would you thank Klitzer for the flower for me please? A-and... And... Please tell him that I really miss him a lot.
Title Quickinfo Info
Klitzer and Calla I know I'm acting like a complete idiot. But I'd give anything to see Calla... Just don't listen to anything I say. I'm just a poor fool in love with the wrong person. That has to be it....
Klitzer and Calla Calla's Violin is taken away. That's my daughter's Violin. I gave that to her for her sweet sixteen... You've crossed the line, punk! Guards! Get over here!
Klitzer and Calla Bring 1 Flower to Calla. All you need to do is just give her 1 Flower. I don't have the zeny and I don't think I'm welcome at Kapellthaine Manor.
Klitzer and Calla You've really opened my eyes. From now on, I'll do my best to earn the approval of Calla's parents and become worthy of Calla's love.
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.