Victor Spritesheet


Inside Moscovia (mosk_in)

Title Quickinfo Info
For Shadow Crosses 4 Talk to Verkhasel I've verified the information. I should report back to [Verkhasel]ve_in,212,384,0,101,0 in the safehouse.
For Shadow Crosses 7 I should pass the Dark Elemental's test. If I fail, I can reenter the Shadowy Mansion through [Verkhasel]ve_fild05,317,235,0,101,0 on the Veins Field.
Fixing the Matrushka Mikhail Victor has created the paste for you. Bring it to Mikhail so that he can fix the broken Matrushka.
Title Quickinfo Info
For Shadow Crosses 3 Talk to Noir I should check the containers [near the dock]ve_fild07,99,141,0,101,0 again. Perhaps Noir might respond to me this time.
For Shadow Crosses 6 Summon the Dark Elemental I should enter the Shadowy Mansion with [Verkhasel]ve_fild05,317,235,0,101,0 and use the Crystals of Darkness and Dark Pieces I have to summon the Dark Elemental.
For Shadow Crosses 8 Talk to the Dark Elemental I should get ready to become a Shadow Cross, and then talk to the Dark Elemental again.
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.