Make snow flower bouquet
10 magical snow flower
You wanna a make snow flower bouquet? Then, collect 10 - magical snow flowers25425
and come back [here]aldebaran,174,164,0,101,0.
Make snow flower bouquet
To snow flower illusionist
Find the [Snow flower illusionist]aldebaran,172,162,0,101,0. If you are interested find the place.
To get through hot winter
To Coti
Snow for the region where it does not fall, Cotton clothes for cold region! If you wish to get through the winter find [Coti]aldebaran,124,238,0,101,0 and Ulsi.
Exchange festival card
To Twinkle
Did you find a special card from your gift box? Then bring it to [Twinkle]aldebaran,217,212,0,101,0. You will receive a special gift.
Festival organizers
To [Eugene]
why don't you meet the festival organizers and listen to the behind story of this event? Snow Boy Keeper, [Eugene]aldebaran,108,166,0,101,0 is around here.
Snow Flower Bouquet Making
Magical Snow Flower X 10
You want to make a Snow Flower Bouquet? Then bring 10 - Magical Snow Flowers25425
and come back [here]aldebaran,174,164,0,101,0.
Snow Flower Bouquet Making
To Illusion Snow Magician
Going forward, [Illusion Snow Magician]aldebaran,172,162,0,101,0 will be in charge of the Snow Bouquet Making event. If you¡¯re interested, pay a visit.
Heartwarming Winter Days
To Cotti
White snow to warm regions and warm cotton-padded coats to cold regions! Want to help out making heartwarming winter days? Then go to [Cotti]aldebaran,124,238,0,101,0 and Woolsie.
Exchange Festa Cards
To Twinkle
You found a special card from your Gift Box? Then take them to [Twinkle]aldebaran,217,212,0,101,0 and Bling. You can get special gifts from them.
Mingle with participants
To the Clock Tower
How about enjoying Snow Festa with other [participants]aldebaran,162,127,0,101,0?
눈사람 만들기 대회
눈이 없는 눈꽃축제이지만 눈사람이 빠지면 섭섭하죠. 눈사람 만들기 [대회장]aldebaran,122,112,0,101,0으로 가보세요. 다들 어떤 눈사람을 만들었을지?