Demonic Mass Stun

Skill information

Max level 5
Flags ▪ Display range (only monster skills)
Skill Type Non-Attack
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
SP consumption 0 0 0 0 0
Data 1 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Data 2 2 5 8 11 14
Data 3 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Level Name Health ATK MATK Exp Job Exp Race Element Scale Def MDef Res Mres Req. Hit Req. Flee Type
1 Crystal L 100 2 - 2 2 - 2 0 0 Formless Neutral 3 Large 99 160 0 0 202 1170 Boss
15 Large Gift Box 1,000 195 - 235 185 - 245 38 38 Formless Neutral 3 Large 100 100 0 0 315 285 Boss
90 Md Octopus Leg 500,000 857 - 1,168 307 - 442 2,000 1,000 Fish Water 2 Small 154 21 0 0 381 373 Boss
95 Md Giant Octopus 500,000 1,760 - 2,520 995 - 1,715 20,000 10,000 Fish Water 2 Large 154 21 0 0 386 378 Boss
110 침식된 뿌리 3,500,000 1,583 - 2,219 555 - 766 50 50 Demon Earth 3 Large 333 333 0 0 330 481 Boss
115 Diligent Ungoliant 5,210,000 1,222 - 1,741 258 - 345 2,712 2,531 Formless Poison 2 Large 108 28 0 0 385 395 Boss
118 Starving Baphomet 200,000,000 658 - 858 903 - 1,503 85,000 45,000 Demon Dark 3 Large 379 45 0 0 470 528 Boss
124 Kraken 5,602,800 3,378 - 4,907 1,522 - 2,620 983,332 1,057,222 Fish Water 4 Large 55 229 0 0 423 456 Boss
124 Kraken Leg 39,190 1,602 - 2,276 640 - 973 0 0 Fish Water 3 Large 127 158 0 0 416 483 Boss
137 Hardrock Mammoth 1,900,944 2,190 - 3,121 727 - 1,192 92,490 44,647 Brute Earth 3 Large 449 43 0 0 403 504 Boss
150 Corrupted Soul 1,820,000 3,460 - 5,015 3,071 - 5,404 1,099,953 1,104,662 Demon Earth 3 Large 333 333 0 0 370 521 Boss
151 Satan Morocc 7,000,000 4,588 - 6,724 2,223 - 3,808 0 0 Demon Dark 4 Large 400 65 0 0 533 591 Boss
151 Wounded Morocc 5,000,000 3,940 - 5,752 2,411 - 4,140 2,632,500 1,673,100 Demon Dark 4 Large 425 65 0 0 536 591 Boss
155 Faceworm Queen 50,000,000 4,355 - 6,355 3,855 - 6,855 200,000 220,000 Insect Earth 1 Large 500 60 0 0 455 525 Boss
175 무명의 상인 1,507,840 3,412 - 4,943 1,146 - 1,873 136,097 95,268 Human Fire 3 Medium 397 103 0 0 507 530 Normal
176 Flamel Emule 2,312,000 2,982 - 4,315 2,659 - 4,658 80,000 40,000 Human Fire 4 Medium 130 100 0 0 456 546 Boss
176 Trentini 2,040,000 2,419 - 3,486 3,176 - 5,576 60,000 30,000 Human Wind 4 Medium 100 100 0 0 526 496 Boss
177 Harword Alt-Eisen 2,720,000 3,003 - 4,336 1,637 - 2,837 100,000 50,000 Human Water 4 Medium 200 100 0 0 457 477 Boss
180 Corrupted Soul 18,200,000 6,600 - 9,709 5,822 - 10,487 2,199,906 2,209,324 Demon Earth 3 Large 333 333 0 0 400 551 Boss
185 [GM]스모키 20,000 1,485 - 2,085 1,335 - 2,235 0 0 Brute Poison 3 Medium 0 0 0 0 386 555 Boss
186 Genetic Flamel 3,600,000 4,466 - 6,466 3,986 - 6,986 0 0 Human Fire 4 Medium 260 200 0 0 546 756 Boss
186 Wanderer Trentini 3,600,000 3,606 - 5,206 4,786 - 8,386 0 0 Human Wind 4 Medium 200 200 0 0 686 656 Boss
186 Genetic Flamel 14,400,000 4,466 - 6,466 3,986 - 6,986 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Fire 4 Medium 260 200 0 0 546 756 Boss
186 Wanderer Trentini 10,800,000 3,606 - 5,206 4,786 - 8,386 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Wind 4 Medium 200 200 0 0 686 656 Boss
187 Mechanic Howard 4,500,000 4,507 - 6,507 2,407 - 4,207 0 0 Human Earth 4 Medium 400 200 0 0 547 617 Boss
187 Mechanic Howard 18,000,000 4,507 - 6,507 2,407 - 4,207 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Water 4 Medium 400 200 0 0 547 617 Boss
230 Unidentified Creature 1,192,891,019 9,195 - 13,590 2,334 - 3,979 12,031,045 2,671,730 Formless Neutral 3 Large 585 92 478 136 731 806 Boss
230 Unidentified Creature 1,533,640,531 12,388 - 18,223 3,001 - 5,194 13,931,045 394,801 Formless Neutral 4 Large 883 132 468 409 636 699 Boss
240 Fallen Sakray 1,835,856,994 9,115 - 13,375 3,168 - 5,472 6,119,523 4,283,666 Human Neutral 4 Medium 862 92 445 288 661 670 Boss
244 환영의 크라켄 68,914,440 7,196 - 10,477 5,004 - 8,883 0 0 Fish Water 4 Large 55 229 515 510 642 738 Boss

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Date Field Old New
2023-01-13 00:42 name NPC_WIDESTUN2 Demonic Mass Stun
2023-01-13 00:42 MaxLv 0 5
2020-05-02 05:27 description
2020-05-02 05:27 name NPC_WIDESTUN2
2020-05-02 05:27 MaxLv 0
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.