Jupitel Thunder
Jupitel Thunder
Max Lv : 10
Skill Requirement : Napalm Beat 1, Lightning Bolt 1
Skill Form : Active
Type : Magic
Target: 1 Enemy
Description : Fires a ball of crackling lightning at a single target that inflicts 100% Wind property magic damage each shock and pushes it backwards.
Skill level increases the number of hits inflicted.

[Lv 1] : Hits Inflicted: 3times
[Lv 2] : Hits Inflicted: 4times
[Lv 3] : Hits Inflicted: 5times
[Lv 4] : Hits Inflicted: 6times
[Lv 5] : Hits Inflicted: 7times
[Lv 6] : Hits Inflicted: 8times
[Lv 7] : Hits Inflicted: 9times
[Lv 8] : Hits Inflicted:10times
[Lv 9] : Hits Inflicted:11times
[Lv10] : Hits Inflicted:12times

Skill information

Max level 10
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10
SP consumption 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 44 47
Fixed Casttime 0.4 sec 0.48 sec 0.56 sec 0.64 sec 0.72 sec 0.8 sec 0.88 sec 0.96 sec 1.04 sec 1.12 sec
Variable Casttime 1.6 sec 1.92 sec 2.24 sec 2.56 sec 2.88 sec 3.2 sec 3.52 sec 3.84 sec 4.16 sec 4.48 sec
Level Name Health ATK MATK Exp Job Exp Race Element Scale Def MDef Req. Hit Req. Flee Type
1 [GM]헤르메스 1,000,000 1,751 - 2,551 1,501 - 2,701 0 0 Plant Neutral 3 Small 100 50 202 371 Boss
78 Mistress 378,000 942 - 1,336 1,567 - 2,748 184,140 150,660 Insect Wind 4 Small 287 192 464 420 Boss
80 Wind Ghost 3,631 366 - 479 201 - 258 869 809 Demon Wind 3 Medium 64 51 307 352 Normal
80 Solid Wind Ghost 36,310 411 - 546 201 - 258 4,345 12,135 Demon Wind 3 Medium 64 51 307 352
81 Garden Watcher 300,000 1,577 - 2,310 867 - 1,432 0 0 Angel Neutral 4 Medium 88 55 338 405 Boss
90 Piamette 3,000,500 1,411 - 2,071 1,029 - 1,749 0 0 Human Neutral 1 Small 56 35 356 404 Boss
90 Piamette 500,500 1,411 - 2,071 1,029 - 1,749 0 0 Human Neutral 1 Small 56 35 356 404 Boss
98 Wizard Kathryne 7,092 604 - 809 681 - 1,072 1,375 967 Human Ghost 3 Medium 69 66 368 393 Normal
99 King of the alley 268,800 5,006 - 7,357 2,723 - 4,838 108,810 89,000 Human Fire 4 Medium 410 192 493 472 Boss
100 Coelacanth N A 2,200,000 1,772 - 2,528 1,583 - 2,717 500,000 550,000 Fish Water 2 Large 280 280 460 430 Boss
100 Coelacanth N M 2,200,000 1,772 - 2,528 1,583 - 2,717 500,000 550,000 Fish Water 2 Large 280 280 460 430 Boss
101 Hill Wind 11,179 582 - 771 182 - 223 1,545 1,467 Brute Wind 3 Medium 90 37 370 367 Normal
101 Elusive Hill Wind 55,895 658 - 884 182 - 223 7,725 22,005 Brute Wind 3 Medium 90 37 370 367
101 Swift Hill Wind 55,895 658 - 884 182 - 223 7,725 22,005 Brute Wind 3 Medium 90 37 370 367
105 Anubis 38,826 980 - 1,373 523 - 772 3,013 3,597 Human Undead 2 Large 103 48 372 382 Normal
106 Beholder Master 13,421 666 - 895 236 - 289 1,824 1,738 Formless Wind 2 Medium 73 62 373 359 Normal
110 Unfulfilled Love 16,808 1,128 - 1,601 176 - 177 2,255 2,748 Demon Wind 3 Medium 64 51 344 392 Normal
113 Sropho 20,805 652 - 883 641 - 980 2,202 2,106 Fish Water 2 Medium 44 91 366 382 Normal
124 Seeker 26,236 919 - 1,271 283 - 355 3,119 2,996 Formless Wind 3 Small 64 30 414 470 Normal
127 Dame of Sentinel 36,844 1,066 - 1,487 288 - 379 3,664 3,523 Angel Neutral 4 Medium 98 55 402 475 Boss
127 Dame of Sentinel Ringleader 184,220 1,234 - 1,739 288 - 379 18,320 52,845 Angel Neutral 4 Medium 98 55 402 475
130 [PH] Monster Name 887,257 1,604 - 2,295 701 - 1,104 177,451 70,981 Demon Poison 4 Small 229 78 408 366 Normal
131 Rata 58,299 1,096 - 1,528 329 - 456 5,061 4,037 Human Earth 3 Medium 81 46 405 448 Normal
135 Duneyrr 63,342 1,268 - 1,768 400 - 581 5,590 4,815 Human Earth 3 Medium 144 28 404 470 Normal
138 Elvira 501,765 886 - 1,165 1,693 - 2,954 17,847 14,925 Formless Wind 3 Small 171 68 443 506 Boss
141 Kathryne Keyron 209,780 1,120 - 1,555 2,471 - 4,344 13,484 17,756 Human Ghost 3 Medium 77 333 419 520 Normal
141 Valkyrie 1,005,000 5,411 - 7,948 2,661 - 4,584 6,500 5,500 Angel Holy 4 Large 588 506 472 712 Boss
142 Little Fatum 85,100 682 - 947 606 - 877 4,875 4,290 Human Wind 2 Small 51 198 408 534 Normal
142 Furious Little Fatum 425,500 787 - 1,104 606 - 877 24,375 64,350 Human Wind 2 Small 51 198 427 534
145 [PH] Monster Name 50,000,000 8,809 - 13,041 5,805 - 10,485 3,132,000 2,720,300 Brute Holy 4 Medium 0 300 445 621 Boss
147 Abysmal Sropho 336,823 2,417 - 3,480 464 - 669 30,314 21,220 Fish Water 3 Medium 224 81 397 427 Normal
151 Satan Morocc 7,000,000 4,588 - 6,724 2,223 - 3,808 0 0 Demon Dark 4 Large 400 65 533 591 Boss
151 Wounded Morocc 5,000,000 3,940 - 5,752 2,411 - 4,140 2,632,500 1,673,100 Demon Dark 4 Large 425 65 536 591 Boss
151 Buwaya 4,090,365 3,193 - 4,638 2,832 - 4,933 3,000,012 3,081,720 Dragon Water 4 Large 201 78 552 631 Boss
155 Coelacanth H M 5,200,000 4,815 - 7,015 4,264 - 7,565 1,500,000 1,650,000 Fish Water 2 Large 280 280 615 585 Boss
155 Coelacanth H A 5,200,000 4,815 - 7,015 4,264 - 7,565 1,500,000 1,650,000 Fish Water 2 Large 280 280 615 585 Boss
155 Faceworm Queen 50,000,000 4,355 - 6,355 3,855 - 6,855 200,000 220,000 Insect Wind 1 Large 100 60 755 525 Boss
158 Morocc Necromancer 4,000,000 883 - 1,163 304 - 304 2,106,000 1,336,500 Human Neutral 3 Medium 215 555 548 627 Boss
160 Morroc of the Genesis 3,258,000 5,296 - 7,767 224 - 248 0 0 Demon Dark 4 Large 351 212 395 685 Boss
170 Midnight Ju 2,000,000,000 4,220 - 6,220 2,470 - 4,270 0 0 Human Neutral 1 Medium 170 65 470 560 Normal
172 Regenschirm Scientist 1,469,107 2,210 - 3,173 1,085 - 1,746 133,555 93,489 Human Neutral 3 Medium 302 104 460 482 Normal
177 Catherine Cheiron 2,040,000 1,353 - 1,886 3,177 - 5,577 60,000 30,000 Human Ghost 4 Medium 110 400 457 557 Boss
187 Warlock Kathryne 2,700,000 2,007 - 2,807 4,787 - 8,387 0 0 Human Ghost 4 Medium 220 800 547 777 Boss
187 Warlock Kathryne 10,800,000 2,007 - 2,807 4,787 - 8,387 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Ghost 4 Medium 220 800 547 777 Boss
196 Angelgolt 2,634,990 3,615 - 5,242 886 - 1,419 179,251 125,476 Angel Holy 4 Small 252 71 549 528 Normal
196 Angelgolt 2,634,476 3,389 - 4,908 835 - 1,328 179,216 125,451 Angel Holy 4 Small 246 71 554 532 Normal
202 Happiness Giver 3,827,826 4,696 - 6,837 1,838 - 3,107 255,188 178,632 Angel Wind 4 Small 328 121 543 559 Normal
202 Happiness Giver 3,827,826 4,696 - 6,837 1,838 - 3,107 0 0 Angel Wind 4 Small 328 80 543 559 Normal
203 Observation 3,848,907 3,760 - 5,455 1,606 - 2,693 0 0 Angel Neutral 4 Medium 371 79 511 555 Boss
210 Midnight Dio Anemos 2,000,000,000 4,250 - 6,250 2,390 - 4,190 0 0 Human Neutral 1 Medium 129 18 450 510 Normal
210 Midnight Geffen Bully 2,000,000,000 4,280 - 6,280 2,350 - 4,150 0 0 Human Neutral 1 Medium 93 36 460 520 Normal
210 Midnight Ordre 2,000,000,000 4,250 - 6,250 2,410 - 4,210 0 0 Human Neutral 1 Medium 107 21 480 530 Normal
210 Midnight Ifodes 2,000,000,000 4,360 - 6,360 2,360 - 4,160 0 0 Human Neutral 1 Medium 120 60 510 550 Normal
210 Midnight Dwigh 2,000,000,000 4,260 - 6,260 2,560 - 4,360 0 0 Human Ghost 2 Medium 175 65 510 600 Boss
228 Litus 23,160,350 8,669 - 12,824 1,976 - 3,380 465,590 325,099 Human Wind 3 Medium 241 125 581 538 Normal
235 Undead Magician 11,520,638 5,992 - 8,753 4,076 - 7,093 384,021 268,815 Undead Dark 4 Small 458 94 626 610 Normal
244 Napeo 30,324,840 7,862 - 11,592 3,724 - 6,501 615,343 430,526 Plant Wind 3 Medium 289 308 614 627 Normal
245 윈드고스트 40,000,000 4,445 - 6,445 2,445 - 4,245 0 0 Demon Wind 3 Medium 64 51 645 665 Normal
248 Illusion Mistress 69,741,000 6,131 - 8,996 5,134 - 9,129 0 0 Insect Wind 4 Small 287 192 820 762 Boss
250 Mistress 37,800,000 1,968 - 2,756 3,229 - 5,590 184,140 150,660 Insect Wind 4 Large 574 384 822 764 Boss
254 빙하의 엔젤골트 24,831,628 12,880 - 19,099 4,912 - 8,743 1,380,517 966,362 Angel Holy 4 Small 442 249 609 612 Normal
Name Type Subtype
Electric Eel [2] Weapon Whip
Electric Guitar Weapon Instrument
Empowered Golden Rod Staff [1] Weapon Two-handed Rod
Glacier Flower Spell (Jupitel Thunder) Enchant -
Golden Rod Orb [1] Armor Accessory
Golden Rod Staff [2] Weapon Two-handed Rod
Hill Wind Card Card -
Ice Flower Spell (Hyper Magic) Enchant -
Paradise Wizard Wand Weapon Rod
Staff of Destruction [1] Weapon Two-handed Rod
Staff of Destruction [1] Weapon Two-handed Rod
Wind Ghost Card Card -
Wizard Shadow Armor Shadow Equipment Shadow Armor
Super Novice 2
Date Field Old New
2023-01-13 00:42 description Jupitel Thunder
MAX Lv : 10
Skill Requirement : Napalm Beat 1, Lightning Bolt 1
Skill Form : Active
Type : Magic
Target: 1 Enemy
Description : Fires a ball of crackling lightning at a single target that inflicts 100% Wind property magic damage each shock and pushes it backwards.
Skill level increases the number of hits inflicted.

[Lv 1] : Hits Inflicted: 3times
[Lv 2] : Hits Inflicted: 4times
[Lv 3] : Hits Inflicted: 5times
[Lv 4] : Hits Inflicted: 6times
[Lv 5] : Hits Inflicted: 7times
[Lv 6] : Hits Inflicted: 8times
[Lv 7] : Hits Inflicted: 9times
[Lv 8] : Hits Inflicted:10times
[Lv 9] : Hits Inflicted:11times
[Lv10] : Hits Inflicted:12times
Jupitel Thunder
Max Lv : 10
Skill Requirement : Napalm Beat 1, Lightning Bolt 1
Skill Form : Active
Type : Magic
Target: 1 Enemy
Description : Fires a ball of crackling lightning at a single target that inflicts 100% Wind property magic damage each shock and pushes it backwards.
Skill level increases the number of hits inflicted.

[Lv 1] : Hits Inflicted: 3times
[Lv 2] : Hits Inflicted: 4times
[Lv 3] : Hits Inflicted: 5times
[Lv 4] : Hits Inflicted: 6times
[Lv 5] : Hits Inflicted: 7times
[Lv 6] : Hits Inflicted: 8times
[Lv 7] : Hits Inflicted: 9times
[Lv 8] : Hits Inflicted:10times
[Lv 9] : Hits Inflicted:11times
[Lv10] : Hits Inflicted:12times
2020-05-02 05:27 description Jupitel Thunder
MAX Lv : 10
Skill Requirement : Napalm Beat 1,
Lightning Bolt 1

Skill Form: Offensive
Property: Lightning
Target: Enemy
Description: Fire a ball of crackling
lightning that will damage and push back the
targeted enemy.

[Lv 1]:20sp, 3 Hits
[Lv 2]:23sp, 4 Hits
[Lv 3]:26sp, 5 Hits
[Lv 4]:29sp, 6 Hits
[Lv 5]:32sp, 7 Hits
[Lv 6]:35sp, 8 Hits
[Lv 7]:38sp, 9 Hits
[Lv 8]:41sp, 10 Hits
[Lv 9]:44sp, 11 Hits
[Lv 10]:47sp, 12 Hits
Jupitel Thunder
MAX Lv : 10
Skill Requirement : Napalm Beat 1, Lightning Bolt 1
Skill Form : Active
Type : Magic
Target: 1 Enemy
Description : Fires a ball of crackling lightning at a single target that inflicts 100% Wind property magic damage each shock and pushes it backwards.
Skill level increases the number of hits inflicted.

[Lv 1] : Hits Inflicted: 3times
[Lv 2] : Hits Inflicted: 4times
[Lv 3] : Hits Inflicted: 5times
[Lv 4] : Hits Inflicted: 6times
[Lv 5] : Hits Inflicted: 7times
[Lv 6] : Hits Inflicted: 8times
[Lv 7] : Hits Inflicted: 9times
[Lv 8] : Hits Inflicted:10times
[Lv 9] : Hits Inflicted:11times
[Lv10] : Hits Inflicted:12times


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Ghostring Card 1 obtained.