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1098 Manacles 수갑

Wrist restraints that are usually used on prisoners.
Weight: 1

Item information

Sell price 246 zeny
Weight 1
Type Etc.
Subtype -
Can be dropped by player yes
Can be traded to another player yes
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart yes
Can be sold to NPC yes
Can be send via mail yes
Can be sold as an auction yes
Can be placed in guild storage yes
Added 2012-08-09
Level Name Health Race Element Scale Def MDef Res Mres Req. Hit Req. Flee Type Chance
41 Cruiser 921 Formless Neutral 3 Medium 20 18 0 0 251 245 Normal 4.5%
91 Skeleton Prisoner 8,378 Undead Undead 3 Medium 95 41 0 0 326 346 Normal 17.5%
109 프리즌 브레이커 14,761 Human Undead 2 Medium 162 70 0 0 383 415 Normal 17.5%
110 Wasted Friendship 15,136 Undead Undead 2 Medium 78 5 0 0 322 310 Normal 25%
186 Prison Breaker 2,375,279 Human Undead 2 Medium 297 105 0 0 457 512 Normal 17.5%
Name Chance Refine Enchant
 Old Blue Box 0.14%
 Old Purple Box 0.14%
 Closed Mind Box 1%
 Closed Mind Box 6%


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:54 identifiedResourceName ?섍컩 수갑
2024-09-04 01:54 unidentifiedResourceName ?섍컩 수갑
2024-09-03 23:09 identifiedResourceName 수갑 ?섍컩
2024-09-03 23:09 unidentifiedResourceName 수갑 ?섍컩
2018-05-12 01:16 weight 0 1
2018-05-09 19:58 weight 1 0
2018-01-12 04:03 unidentifiedDescriptionName Wrist restraints
that are usually
used on prisoners.
Weight: 1
Wrist restraints that are usually used on prisoners.
Weight: 1
2018-01-12 04:03 identifiedDescriptionName Wrist restraints that are usually used on prisoners.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 1
Wrist restraints that are usually used on prisoners.
Weight: 1
2017-08-19 09:01 unidentifiedDescriptionName Wrist restraints
that are usually
used on prisoners.
Weight: 1
Wrist restraints
that are usually
used on prisoners.
Weight: 1
2017-08-19 09:01 identifiedDescriptionName Wrist restraints that are usually used on prisoners.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 1
Wrist restraints that are usually used on prisoners.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 1
2017-08-19 08:50 unidentifiedDescriptionName Wrist restraints
that are usually
used on prisoners.
Weight: 1
Wrist restraints
that are usually
used on prisoners.
Weight: 1
2017-08-19 08:50 identifiedDescriptionName Wrist restraints that are usually used on prisoners.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 1
Wrist restraints that are usually used on prisoners.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 1
2017-01-23 12:14 unidentifiedResourceName ¼ö°© 수갑
2017-01-23 12:14 identifiedResourceName ¼ö°© 수갑
2016-12-23 08:02 unidentifiedResourceName 수갑 ¼ö°©
2016-12-23 08:02 unidentifiedDescriptionName Wrist restraints
that are usually
used on prisoners.
Weight: 1
Wrist restraints
that are usually
used on prisoners.
Weight: 1
2016-12-23 08:02 identifiedResourceName 수갑 ¼ö°©
2016-12-23 08:02 identifiedDescriptionName Wrist restraints that are usually used on prisoners.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 1
Wrist restraints that are usually used on prisoners.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 1
2016-07-29 05:02 identifiedDescriptionName Wrist restraints
that are usually
used on prisoners.
Weight : 1
Wrist restraints that are usually used on prisoners.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 1
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.