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Playspan Magical Stone Box
16555 Pr_Reset_Stone_Box 프리미엄리셋돌상자

A box that contains 1 Magical Stone inside.
This item is not refundable
Attack: 0
Weight: 1
Weapon Level: 0
This item is used to access various Premium Services.
All third class job changes require [1 Magical Stone] or VIP Status on the account.
Sam Status is accepting Magical Stones to reset your stat points. You can find him in Payon around 180 115.
Magical Stones Required per level:
Base Lvl 1 ~ 40 [1 Magical Stone]
Base Lvl 41 ~ 70 [2 Magical Stone]
Base Lvl 71 ~ 90 [3 Magical Stone]
Base Lvl 91 ~ 110 [4 Magical Stone]
Base Lvl 111 ~ 125 [5 Magical Stone]
Base Lvl 126 ~ 140 [6 Magical Stone]
Base Lvl 141 ~ 150 [7 Magical Stone]


These information ignore any conditions. If an effect required an item upgrade it will just be displayed.

Item information

Sell price 10 zeny
Weight 1
Type Cash
Subtype -
Can be dropped by player no
Can be traded to another player yes
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart yes
Can be sold to NPC no
Can be send via mail no
Can be sold as an auction no
Can be placed in guild storage no
Added 2012-08-09
Name Chance Enchant
1x  Magical Stone 100%
Name Chance Refine Enchant
 2015 Special Scroll 0.1%
 Garrick's Storm Scroll 0.5%
 Heaven Scroll 1%
 Taurus Scroll 1.5%
 Ardor Scroll 1.66%
 New Super Pet Egg 2 3.5%
 Bi Hwang Scroll 5%
 Starry Scroll 9.39%
 Sagittarius Scroll 10%
 2015 Special Box 0.1%


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:55 identifiedResourceName 罹먯떆?곸옄_蹂대씪 캐시상자_보라
2024-09-04 01:55 unidentifiedResourceName 罹먯떆?곸옄_蹂대씪 캐시상자_보라
2024-09-03 23:10 identifiedResourceName 캐시상자_보라 罹먯떆?곸옄_蹂대씪
2024-09-03 23:10 unidentifiedResourceName 캐시상자_보라 罹먯떆?곸옄_蹂대씪
2021-11-19 01:58 unidentifiedDescriptionName An unknown item that requires appraisal. It can be identified by using a Magnifier. A box that contains 1 Magical Stone inside.
This item is not refundable
Attack: 0
Weight: 1
Weapon Level: 0
This item is used to access various Premium Services.
All third class job changes require [1 Magical Stone] or VIP Status on the account.
Sam Status is accepting Magical Stones to reset your stat points. You can find him in Payon around 180 115.
Magical Stones Required per level:
Base Lvl 1 ~ 40 [1 Magical Stone]
Base Lvl 41 ~ 70 [2 Magical Stone]
Base Lvl 71 ~ 90 [3 Magical Stone]
Base Lvl 91 ~ 110 [4 Magical Stone]
Base Lvl 111 ~ 125 [5 Magical Stone]
Base Lvl 126 ~ 140 [6 Magical Stone]
Base Lvl 141 ~ 150 [7 Magical Stone]
2021-11-19 01:58 unidentifiedResourceName 캐시상자_보라
2021-11-19 01:58 unidentifiedDisplayName N/A Playspan Magical Stone Box
2018-08-03 02:24 unidentifiedResourceName 캐시상자_보라
2018-08-03 02:24 unidentifiedDescriptionName A box that contains 1 Reset Stone inside.
This item is not refundable.
Weight : 1
An unknown item that requires appraisal. It can be identified by using a Magnifier.
2018-08-03 02:24 unidentifiedDisplayName Reset Stone Box N/A
2018-08-03 02:24 identifiedDescriptionName A box that contains 1 Reset Stone inside.
This item is not refundable.
Can be traded and stored.

This item is used to access various Premium Services.
All third class job changes require [1 Reset Stone] or VIP Status on the account.
Sam Status is accepting Reset Stones to reset your stat points.
You can find him in Payon around 180 115.
Reset Stones Required per level:
Base Lvl 1 ~ 40 [1 Reset Stone]
Base Lvl 41 ~ 70 [2 Reset Stone]
Base Lvl 71 ~ 90 [3 Reset Stone]
Base Lvl 91 ~ 110 [4 Reset Stone]
Base Lvl 111 ~ 125 [5 Reset Stone]
Base Lvl 126 ~ 140 [6 Reset Stone]
Base Lvl 141 ~ 150 [7 Reset Stone]
Weight : 0
Weight : 1
A box that contains 1 Magical Stone inside.
This item is not refundable
Attack: 0
Weight: 1
Weapon Level: 0
This item is used to access various Premium Services.
All third class job changes require [1 Magical Stone] or VIP Status on the account.
Sam Status is accepting Magical Stones to reset your stat points. You can find him in Payon around 180 115.
Magical Stones Required per level:
Base Lvl 1 ~ 40 [1 Magical Stone]
Base Lvl 41 ~ 70 [2 Magical Stone]
Base Lvl 71 ~ 90 [3 Magical Stone]
Base Lvl 91 ~ 110 [4 Magical Stone]
Base Lvl 111 ~ 125 [5 Magical Stone]
Base Lvl 126 ~ 140 [6 Magical Stone]
Base Lvl 141 ~ 150 [7 Magical Stone]
2018-08-03 02:24 identifiedDisplayName Playspan Reset Stone Box Playspan Magical Stone Box
2018-08-03 02:24 weight 0 1
2017-01-23 12:21 unidentifiedResourceName ij½Ã»óÀÚ_º¸¶ó 캐시상자_보라
2017-01-23 12:21 identifiedResourceName ij½Ã»óÀÚ_º¸¶ó 캐시상자_보라
2016-12-23 08:10 unidentifiedResourceName 캐시상자_보라 ij½Ã»óÀÚ_º¸¶ó
2016-12-23 08:10 unidentifiedDescriptionName A box that contains 1 Reset Stone inside.
This item is not refundable.
Weight : 1
A box that contains 1 Reset Stone inside.
This item is not refundable.
Weight : 1
2016-12-23 08:10 identifiedResourceName 캐시상자_보라 ij½Ã»óÀÚ_º¸¶ó
2016-12-23 08:10 identifiedDescriptionName A box that contains 1 Reset Stone inside.
This item is not refundable.
Can be traded and stored.

This item is used to access various Premium Services.
All third class job changes require [1 Reset Stone] or VIP Status on the account.
Sam Status is accepting Reset Stones to reset your stat points.
You can find him in Payon around 180 115.
Reset Stones Required per level:
Base Lvl 1 ~ 40 [1 Reset Stone]
Base Lvl 41 ~ 70 [2 Reset Stone]
Base Lvl 71 ~ 90 [3 Reset Stone]
Base Lvl 91 ~ 110 [4 Reset Stone]
Base Lvl 111 ~ 125 [5 Reset Stone]
Base Lvl 126 ~ 140 [6 Reset Stone]
Base Lvl 141 ~ 150 [7 Reset Stone]
Weight : 0
Weight : 1
A box that contains 1 Reset Stone inside.
This item is not refundable.
Can be traded and stored.

This item is used to access various Premium Services.
All third class job changes require [1 Reset Stone] or VIP Status on the account.
Sam Status is accepting Reset Stones to reset your stat points.
You can find him in Payon around 180 115.
Reset Stones Required per level:
Base Lvl 1 ~ 40 [1 Reset Stone]
Base Lvl 41 ~ 70 [2 Reset Stone]
Base Lvl 71 ~ 90 [3 Reset Stone]
Base Lvl 91 ~ 110 [4 Reset Stone]
Base Lvl 111 ~ 125 [5 Reset Stone]
Base Lvl 126 ~ 140 [6 Reset Stone]
Base Lvl 141 ~ 150 [7 Reset Stone]
Weight : 0
Weight : 1
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.