Increases magical damage against boss monsters by 40%, MaxHP - 15%.
These information ignore any conditions. If an effect required an item upgrade it will just be displayed.
Sell price | - |
Weight | 1 |
Type | Card |
Subtype | - |
Compound on | Armor |
Can be dropped by player | |
Can be traded to another player | |
Can be placed in storage | |
Can be placed in Cart | |
Can be sold to NPC | |
Can be send via mail | |
Can be sold as an auction | |
Can be placed in guild storage | |
Prefix | of Demigod |
Added | 2023-03-02 |
Level | Name | Health | Race | Element | Scale | Def | MDef | Res | Mres | Req. Hit | Req. Flee | Type | Chance |
215 | Lasgand | 1,000,000,000 | Undead | Poison 4 | Large | 527 | 286 | 424 | 321 | 507 | 497 | Boss | 0.01% |
Be aware: Sets may not be active on every server! If known, there will be a note.
Name | Items | Notes | Scripts |
300472_311439 | import from EquipmentProp |
Date | Field | Old | New |
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