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Sigrun's Wings
5592 Sigrun's_Wing 사이그룬의날개

Ear adornments that symbolize rebirth. They have the ability to change its effects depending on the job of the wearer.
Class: Headgear
Position: Middle
Defense: 2
Weight: 10
Requires Level: 1
Usable By: All Jobs
Novice Bonus
Max HP + 80
Max SP + 30
Swordman, Merchant, Thief, Taekwon Bonus
Str + 1
Mage, Acolyte, Ninja, Soul Linker Bonus
Int + 1
Archer, Gunslinger Bonus
Dex + 1
Concept by Eleotea.


These information ignore any conditions. If an effect required an item upgrade it will just be displayed.

Item information

Sell price 10 zeny
Weight 10
Type Armor
Subtype Headgear
Location Middle
Can be refined no
Can be damaged no
Can be dropped by player no
Can be traded to another player no
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart no
Can be sold to NPC no
Can be send via mail no
Can be sold as an auction no
Can be placed in guild storage no
Added 2012-08-09



Be aware: Sets may not be active on every server! If known, there will be a note.

Name Items Notes Scripts
Name Chance Refine Enchant
 PC Bang Platinum Box 0.01%
 개선된 PC방 플래티넘박스 0.01%
 Premium Platinum Box 0.01%
 영혼의 모자 상자 0.01%
 사이그룬 스크롤 0.1%


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:55 unidentifiedResourceName 湲€?섏뒪 글래스
2024-09-04 01:55 identifiedResourceName ?ъ씠洹몃,?섎궇媛? 사이그룬의날개
2024-09-03 23:10 identifiedResourceName 사이그룬의날개 ?ъ씠洹몃,?섎궇媛?
2024-09-03 23:10 unidentifiedResourceName 글래스 湲€?섏뒪
2019-08-24 03:23 unidentifiedResourceName 글래스
2019-08-24 03:23 unidentifiedDescriptionName Unknown item requiring Appraisal. Can be identified by using a Magnifier. An unknown item that requires appraisal. It can be identified by using a Magnifier.
2019-08-24 03:23 unidentifiedDisplayName Helm Headgear
2019-08-24 03:23 identifiedDescriptionName Ear adornments that symbolize rebirth. They have the ability to change its effects depending on the job of the wearer.
If worn by a Swordman, Merchant, Thief or Taekwon Classes, Str +1.
If worn by a Mage, Acolyte, Ninja or Soul Linker Classes, Int +1.
If worn by Archer or Gunslinger Classes, Dex +1.
If worn by Novice Class, MaxHP +80, MaxSP +30.
Concept created during the Summer 2008 Create a headgear Contest.
Created by Eleotea

Class : Headgear
Defense : 2
Location : Middle
Weight : 10
Level : 80
Job : All
Ear adornments that symbolize rebirth. They have the ability to change its effects depending on the job of the wearer.
Class: Headgear
Position: Middle
Defense: 2
Weight: 10
Requires Level: 1
Usable By: All Jobs
Novice Bonus
Max HP + 80
Max SP + 30
Swordman, Merchant, Thief, Taekwon Bonus
Str + 1
Mage, Acolyte, Ninja, Soul Linker Bonus
Int + 1
Archer, Gunslinger Bonus
Dex + 1
Concept by Eleotea.
2017-01-23 12:17 unidentifiedResourceName ĸ
2017-01-23 12:17 identifiedResourceName »çÀ̱׷éÀdz¯°³ 사이그룬의날개
2016-12-23 08:06 unidentifiedResourceName ĸ
2016-12-23 08:06 identifiedResourceName 사이그룬의날개 »çÀ̱׷éÀdz¯°³
2016-12-23 08:06 identifiedDescriptionName Ear adornments that symbolize rebirth. They have the ability to change its effects depending on the job of the wearer.
If worn by a Swordman, Merchant, Thief or Taekwon Classes, Str +1.
If worn by a Mage, Acolyte, Ninja or Soul Linker Classes, Int +1.
If worn by Archer or Gunslinger Classes, Dex +1.
If worn by Novice Class, MaxHP +80, MaxSP +30.
Concept created during the Summer 2008 Create a headgear Contest.
Created by Eleotea

Class : Headgear
Defense : 2
Location : Middle
Weight : 10
Level : 80
Job : All
Ear adornments that symbolize rebirth. They have the ability to change its effects depending on the job of the wearer.
If worn by a Swordman, Merchant, Thief or Taekwon Classes, Str +1.
If worn by a Mage, Acolyte, Ninja or Soul Linker Classes, Int +1.
If worn by Archer or Gunslinger Classes, Dex +1.
If worn by Novice Class, MaxHP +80, MaxSP +30.
Concept created during the Summer 2008 Create a headgear Contest.
Created by Eleotea

Class : Headgear
Defense : 2
Location : Middle
Weight : 10
Level : 80
Job : All
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.