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Basic Info
1754 Lv. 131
Angel Small Holy 2
Primary stats
91 STR 89 AGI 65 VIT
118 INT 147 DEX 75 LUK
Secondary stats
53,290 Health 85 Def 92 MDef
1 Range 1,102 - 1,542 Attack 476 - 671 MATK
420 Req. Hit 448 Req. Flee
0 Res (-0.00%) 0 Mres (-0.00%)
4.00 Speed (cells/sec)
1.28 Aspd (attacks/sec)


Neutral 100%
Water 100%
Earth 100%
Fire 100%
Wind 100%
Poison 75%
Holy 0%
Dark 150%
Ghost 80%
Undead 150%


Aggressive Assist Looter Change target Change target on attack Immobile Cast sensor Boss
Id Name Enchant Type Subtype Sell price Drop chance
 7511 Rune of Darkness Etc. - 947z 30%
 2254 Angel Wing Armor Headgear 10z 0.01%
 7063 Soft Feather Etc. - 105z 5%
 2001 Divine Cross Weapon Two-handed Rod 10z 0.13%
 7511 Rune of Darkness Etc. - 947z 5%
 2322 Silk Robe [1] Armor Armor 4,000z 0.5%
 2353 Odin's Blessing [1] Armor Armor 15,000z 0.5%
 4406 Skeggiold Card * Card - 10z 0.01%
* This item is protected from being stolen.
Level >= % Exp Job Exp
115 40 1,443 971
116 115 4,150 2,793
117 120 4,330 2,914
118 125 4,511 3,036
119 130 4,691 3,157
120 135 4,872 3,279
121 140 5,052 3,400
122 135 4,872 3,279
123 130 4,691 3,157
124 125 4,511 3,036
125 120 4,330 2,914
126 115 4,150 2,793
127 110 3,969 2,671
128 105 3,789 2,550
131 100 3,609 2,429
132 100 3,609 2,429
137 95 3,428 2,307
142 90 3,248 2,186
147 85 3,067 2,064
152 60 2,165 1,457
157 35 1,263 850
162 10 360 242
Monster Egg Food Hunger rate Intimacy Accessory Capture Chance Evolution
Skeggiold  Skeggiold Egg  Pet Food +? when fed
-? every 60 seconds
+ when fed
- every 20 seconds while starving
- when overfed
- when dying


Source Recipe Evolutioned
 Skeggiold Egg 1x  Angelgiold Card
1x  Unknown
 Blue Angelgolt Egg
Name Interruptable State Level CHANCE Casttime Delay Condition
Heal no Attacking 9 50% 0.5 sec 5 sec If another monster's health drops below 30%.
Heal no Attacking 9 50% 0.5 sec 5 sec If the monster's health drops below 30%.
Heal no Idling 9 50% 0.5 sec 5 sec If another monster's health drops below 30%.
Heal no Idling 9 50% 0.5 sec 5 sec If the monster's health drops below 30%.
Thunder Storm no Attacking 7 10% 1 sec 10 sec
Thunder Storm no Chasing 7 10% 1 sec 10 sec
Decrease Agility no Attacking 10 5% instant 30 sec
Decrease Agility no Chasing 10 5% instant 30 sec
NPC_PETRIFYATTACK no Attacking 2 5% 0.5 sec 5 sec
NPC_PETRIFYATTACK no Chasing 2 5% 0.5 sec 5 sec
Divest Armor yes Attacking 3 5% instant 5 sec
Divest Armor yes Chasing 3 5% instant 5 sec
Safety Wall no Attacking 10 10% 1 sec 10 sec
NPC_HOLYATTACK no Attacking 3 5% 0.5 sec 5 sec
NPC_HOLYATTACK no Chasing 3 5% 0.5 sec 5 sec
Grampus Morph yes Chasing 1 5% instant 30 sec
Grampus Morph yes Attacking 1 5% instant 30 sec
Teleport yes Idling 1 100% instant none If monster can't reach player who damaged it.
Teleport yes Moving 1 50% instant 5 sec If monster can't reach player who damaged it.
NPC_CALLSLAVE yes Attacking 1 100% instant 1 min
NPC_CALLSLAVE yes Idling 1 100% instant 1 min
Title Quickinfo Info
Unknown quest #5333
Before you are fooled 5 Skegolts each Defeat 5 brown and 5 blue Skegolts, a cute but fearsome monster.
Before you're fooled again 5 Skegolts each Defeat 5 brown and 5 blue Skegolts, the cute but fearsome monsters.
 Play  Name


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Ghostring Card 1 obtained.