Demonic Evil Land

Skill information

Max level 10
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Element Dark
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10
SP consumption 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Range 7 cells 7 cells 7 cells 7 cells 7 cells 7 cells 7 cells 7 cells 7 cells 7 cells
Data 1 5 5 5 5 5 6 7 9 11 13
Data 2 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Data 3 444 555 666 999 4444 6666 6666 6666 6666 6666
Data 4 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Data 5 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000
Data 6 4000 7000 10000 13000 16000 19000 22000 25000 28000 31000
Level Name Health ATK MATK Exp Job Exp Race Element Scale Def MDef Res Mres Req. Hit Req. Flee Type
80 Orc Lady (Instance) 50,058 512 - 698 370 - 603 0 0 Human Earth 2 Medium 56 10 0 0 315 345 Normal
90 Entweihen Crothen 2,400,500 4,052 - 5,988 2,770 - 4,930 786,500 607,500 Demon Dark 4 Medium 171 66 0 0 360 488 Boss
98 Baphomet (Instance) 4,520,500 4,606 - 6,790 1,793 - 3,173 2,440,800 1,134,000 Demon Dark 3 Large 190 45 0 0 450 508 Boss
110 침식된 뿌리 3,500,000 1,583 - 2,219 555 - 766 50 50 Demon Earth 3 Large 333 333 0 0 330 481 Boss
117 S Nydhog 3,452,000 5,442 - 8,105 3,041 - 5,345 2,808,000 1,930,500 Dragon Dark 4 Large 60 75 0 0 351 550 Boss
118 Banshee Master 25,168 840 - 1,141 448 - 627 2,606 2,498 Demon Dark 2 Medium 87 94 0 0 376 372 Normal
118 Elusive Banshee Master 125,840 960 - 1,321 448 - 627 13,030 37,470 Demon Dark 2 Medium 87 94 0 0 376 372
130 Banshee 40,950 1,038 - 1,443 765 - 1,186 3,739 3,598 Demon Dark 2 Medium 73 96 0 0 401 437 Normal
130 Swift Banshee 204,750 1,199 - 1,686 765 - 1,186 18,695 53,970 Demon Dark 2 Medium 73 96 0 0 401 437
135 Lost Dragon 608,920 1,855 - 2,645 628 - 946 19,500 19,800 Dragon Dark 3 Large 60 51 0 0 416 452 Boss
138 Falling Bishop 5,655,000 3,756 - 5,472 3,609 - 6,390 1,755,000 1,039,500 Demon Dark 2 Medium 274 382 0 0 503 581 Boss
145 Md Marc 400,000 1,433 - 2,002 459 - 658 1,000 1,100 Fish Water 2 Medium 255 51 0 0 490 463 Boss
147 Beelzebub 4,805,000 5,657 - 8,324 3,507 - 6,174 4,582,500 3,877,500 Demon Ghost 4 Large 418 265 0 0 583 644 Boss
150 Corrupted Soul 1,820,000 3,460 - 5,015 3,071 - 5,404 1,099,953 1,104,662 Demon Earth 3 Large 333 333 0 0 370 521 Boss
151 Satan Morocc 7,000,000 4,588 - 6,724 2,223 - 3,808 0 0 Demon Dark 4 Large 400 65 0 0 533 591 Boss
151 Wounded Morocc 5,000,000 3,940 - 5,752 2,411 - 4,140 2,632,500 1,673,100 Demon Dark 4 Large 425 65 0 0 536 591 Boss
158 Immotal Corps 198,410 1,449 - 2,012 856 - 1,390 9,575 7,859 Demon Undead 4 Medium 150 83 0 0 433 478 Normal
175 Despair God Morroc 120,000,000 4,715 - 6,924 403 - 508 0 0 Demon Dark 2 Medium 203 155 0 0 478 614 Boss
180 Corrupted Soul 18,200,000 6,600 - 9,709 5,822 - 10,487 2,199,906 2,209,324 Demon Earth 3 Large 333 333 0 0 400 551 Boss
230 Unidentified Creature 1,533,640,531 12,388 - 18,223 3,001 - 5,194 13,931,045 394,801 Formless Neutral 4 Large 883 132 468 409 636 699 Boss
240 환영의 엔트바이엔크놋헨 73,815,375 5,240 - 7,650 4,619 - 8,100 0 0 Demon Dark 4 Medium 171 66 505 500 580 866 Boss
245 밴시 40,000,000 4,445 - 6,445 2,445 - 4,245 0 0 Demon Dark 2 Medium 73 96 200 200 645 665 Normal
247 환영의 베르제브브 79,101,500 7,183 - 10,474 4,727 - 8,352 0 0 Demon Ghost 4 Large 418 265 518 513 683 744 Boss
247 환영의 니드호그 그림자 73,689,400 7,848 - 11,577 5,600 - 9,987 0 0 Dragon Dark 4 Large 60 75 550 530 515 680 Boss
248 환영의 타락한 대신관 69,556,500 6,456 - 9,375 5,381 - 9,588 0 0 Demon Dark 2 Medium 274 382 517 512 778 691 Boss
250 타락한 대신관 히밤 565,500,000 7,486 - 10,918 7,192 - 12,755 1,755,000 1,039,500 Demon Dark 2 Medium 548 764 300 300 680 966 Boss
250 베르제브브 480,500,000 11,271 - 16,604 6,971 - 12,304 4,582,500 3,877,500 Demon Ghost 4 Large 836 330 300 300 922 1074 Boss
254 죽음의 밴시 24,831,628 12,758 - 18,916 4,868 - 8,661 1,380,517 966,362 Demon Dark 2 Medium 442 249 405 317 609 612 Normal

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Date Field Old New
2023-01-13 00:42 name NPC_EVILLAND2 Demonic Evil Land
2023-01-13 00:42 MaxLv 0 10
2020-05-02 05:27 description
2020-05-02 05:27 name NPC_EVILLAND2
2020-05-02 05:27 MaxLv 0
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.