Max Lv : 10
14Skill Requirement : Faith 10, Demon Bane 5
Skill Form : Active
Type : Recovery
Target: 1 Target
Description : Restores HP of a single target. This skill is also affected by User's LV, total INT, MATK.
Versus Undead property targets, inflicts Holy property damage equal to half the amount of the HP restored.

Skill information

Max level 10
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10
SP consumption 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40
After cast delay 1 sec
Level Name Health ATK MATK Exp Job Exp Race Element Scale Def MDef Req. Hit Req. Flee Type
155 Coelacanth H A 5,200,000 4,815 - 7,015 4,264 - 7,565 1,500,000 1,650,000 Fish Water 2 Large 280 280 615 585 Boss
155 Faceworm Queen 50,000,000 4,355 - 6,355 3,855 - 6,855 200,000 220,000 Insect Earth 1 Large 500 60 455 525 Boss
156 Bakonawa 3,351,884 4,247 - 6,168 1,976 - 3,477 0 0 Dragon Water 4 Large 472 0 490 563 Boss
156 Enraged Bakonawa 3,351,884 4,247 - 6,168 1,976 - 3,477 2,510,111 2,579,666 Dragon Water 4 Large 472 0 490 563 Boss
158 [PH] Monster Name 295,240 159 - 160 413 - 414 0 0 Demon Neutral 3 Small 113 45 409 434 Boss
158 Spider Chariot 9,799,123 6,399 - 9,462 1,703 - 2,942 3,150,895 2,112,795 Formless Neutral 2 Large 394 123 481 545 Boss
158 Piece of Spirit 540,324 3,226 - 4,703 596 - 842 55,931 48,967 Formless Neutral 2 Small 198 96 470 467 Normal
160 High Priest Margaretha (Slave) 2,800,000 2,331 - 3,330 2,740 - 4,777 0 0 Human Holy 4 Medium 231 349 510 563 Boss
160 High Priest Margaretha 4,800,000 2,331 - 3,330 2,740 - 4,777 2,252,250 1,386,000 Human Holy 4 Medium 231 349 510 563 Boss
160 G Randel (Slave) 3,163,000 4,880 - 7,095 2,372 - 4,183 0 0 Human Holy 4 Medium 667 151 515 595 Boss
160 G Chen (Slave) 2,236,500 3,233 - 4,680 1,572 - 2,741 0 0 Human Water 4 Medium 216 134 525 628 Boss
160 B Randel 6,870,000 4,880 - 7,095 2,372 - 4,183 3,674,489 2,149,566 Human Holy 4 Medium 667 151 515 595 Boss
160 B Chen 4,249,350 3,233 - 4,680 1,572 - 2,741 2,556,784 1,614,235 Demon Water 4 Medium 216 134 525 628 Boss
160 Celine Kimi 66,666,666 5,636 - 8,303 5,270 - 9,269 4,444,444 4,033,332 Undead Ghost 1 Large 479 444 526 496 Boss
160 Corrupted steward 271,200 3,986 - 5,877 806 - 1,339 13,332 17,596 Undead Undead 1 Medium 15 15 382 418 Normal
160 System message 100 160 - 161 348 - 349 0 0 Demon Dark 1 Large 276 99 360 330 Battle Field
160 White Teddybear 561,841 3,457 - 5,045 631 - 896 57,334 49,595 Formless Neutral 1 Small 213 103 480 479 Normal
162 Grand Chamberlain in pa 416,200 4,994 - 7,366 1,115 - 1,914 14,222 18,772 Undead Undead 2 Medium 30 30 406 427 Normal
164 Ancient Tri Joint 694,500 1,925 - 2,767 567 - 866 75,839 56,880 Insect Earth 1 Small 144 5 452 479 Normal
168 High Hunter Sanare 482,327 2,108 - 3,023 1,414 - 2,361 43,848 30,694 Angel Dark 3 Medium 276 41 465 477 Normal
169 Ancient Tao Gunka 19,280,000 4,405 - 6,433 2,399 - 4,216 4,001,752 3,001,314 Demon Neutral 3 Large 905 143 585 551 Boss
169 Ancient Wootan Defender 20,154,000 2,287 - 3,301 2,444 - 4,305 4,001,552 3,001,164 Human Fire 4 Large 874 143 567 554 Boss
169 Diligent Soldier Andre 943,547 4,822 - 7,049 638 - 965 83,348 62,487 Insect Earth 4 Medium 201 30 495 540 Normal
170 Guardian of the Goddess 5,000,000 5,200 - 7,600 2,150 - 3,650 0 0 Human Holy 2 Medium 503 122 570 570 Normal
172 Chaotic Stem Worm 1,027,071 3,485 - 5,052 890 - 1,373 168,066 117,646 Plant Wind 1 Medium 307 70 467 529 Normal
173 Chaos Ghostring 1,033,446 3,540 - 5,131 915 - 1,416 169,110 118,377 Demon Ghost 2 Medium 320 71 460 525 Normal
174 R48-85-Bestia 4,885,000 4,010 - 5,818 3,197 - 5,687 9,770,000 6,513,333 Brute Neutral 4 Large 855 124 618 599 Boss
175 Silent Maya 24,512,365 6,701 - 9,838 3,175 - 5,472 4,401,752 3,601,314 Insect Neutral 4 Large 998 184 581 589 Boss
176 무명의 복사 1,500,486 2,854 - 4,121 1,166 - 1,843 136,341 95,439 Human Holy 2 Medium 278 113 478 521 Normal
177 Magaleta Sorin 2,448,000 1,640 - 2,307 3,603 - 6,404 80,000 40,000 Human Holy 4 Medium 160 400 457 497 Boss
177 혼돈의 안드레아 1,057,547 3,767 - 5,466 1,287 - 2,090 96,141 67,298 Human Neutral 3 Medium 330 110 499 535 Boss
177 혼돈의 아네스 1,057,444 3,823 - 5,548 1,309 - 2,130 96,131 67,292 Human Neutral 3 Medium 327 110 499 525 Boss
177 혼돈의 실바노 1,057,650 3,804 - 5,521 1,322 - 2,153 96,150 67,305 Human Neutral 3 Medium 333 111 499 531 Boss
177 혼돈의 세실리아 1,056,411 3,861 - 5,604 1,328 - 2,163 96,037 67,226 Human Neutral 3 Medium 297 111 499 533 Boss
178 Chaos Baphomet 21,278,744 5,366 - 7,823 2,662 - 4,563 4,255,749 2,979,024 Demon Dark 3 Large 343 122 566 592 Boss
180 Corrupted Soul 18,200,000 6,600 - 9,709 5,822 - 10,487 2,199,906 2,209,324 Demon Earth 3 Large 333 333 400 551 Boss
187 Archbishop Margaretha 3,600,000 2,447 - 3,447 5,407 - 9,607 0 0 Human Holy 4 Medium 320 800 547 657 Boss
190 Prime Corruption Root 36,760,359 6,089 - 8,892 4,344 - 7,543 2,625,740 1,838,018 Demon Earth 3 Large 667 98 577 1014 Boss
190 Green Mineral 2,435,702 3,250 - 4,703 722 - 1,133 173,979 121,785 Formless Neutral 4 Large 287 68 531 503 Normal
190 Red Mineral 2,435,702 3,330 - 4,821 712 - 1,115 173,979 121,785 Formless Neutral 4 Large 287 68 524 498 Normal
190 White Mineral 2,436,177 3,310 - 4,792 752 - 1,185 174,013 121,809 Formless Neutral 4 Large 293 68 528 499 Normal
190 Purple Mineral 2,435,543 3,289 - 4,762 732 - 1,151 173,967 121,777 Formless Neutral 4 Large 285 68 512 501 Normal
192 Jewel 100 193 - 194 193 - 194 0 0 Formless Neutral 4 Large 504 71 393 363 Normal
194 Mana Addicted Sanare 2,979,073 3,947 - 5,732 2,184 - 3,721 198,605 139,023 Human Holy 2 Medium 503 122 562 526 Normal
199 Abysmal Phen 2,897,158 5,082 - 7,419 883 - 1,370 193,144 135,201 Fish Water 2 Medium 219 90 556 513 Normal
201 Holy Frus 2,700,802 3,914 - 5,683 1,352 - 2,245 183,728 128,610 Angel Holy 4 Medium 239 76 549 515 Normal
202 Holy Skogul 2,714,947 3,997 - 5,805 1,390 - 2,311 184,690 129,283 Angel Holy 4 Medium 247 77 551 518 Normal
202 Happiness Giver 3,827,826 4,696 - 6,837 1,838 - 3,107 255,188 178,632 Angel Wind 4 Small 328 121 543 559 Normal
202 Happiness Giver 3,827,826 4,696 - 6,837 1,838 - 3,107 0 0 Angel Wind 4 Small 328 80 543 559 Normal
202 Thanatos' Agony 3,830,553 3,912 - 5,679 1,380 - 2,293 0 0 Undead Ghost 4 Small 382 77 482 432 Boss
203 Observation 3,848,907 3,760 - 5,455 1,606 - 2,693 0 0 Angel Neutral 4 Medium 371 79 511 555 Boss
213 Lude Gal 12,840,680 7,595 - 11,236 1,291 - 2,160 338,924 236,061 Undead Undead 2 Small 230 87 498 470 Normal
214 Deadre 12,435,400 8,818 - 13,069 1,467 - 2,486 352,273 245,358 Human Dark 2 Medium 231 88 500 473 Normal
215 R001-Bestia 134,179,630 10,858 - 16,007 2,086 - 3,399 6,578,140 4,604,698 Brute Dark 2 Large 540 140 539 552 Boss
216 Rotten Wood 6,600,000 6,979 - 10,232 1,556 - 2,675 316,785 95,000 Plant Dark 4 Large 467 104 650 571 Normal
229 Illusion Watcher 4,305,000 3,012 - 4,326 1,348 - 2,179 0 0 Demon Ghost 4 Small 71 66 464 549 Boss
234 Undead Servant 11,482,495 8,408 - 12,327 1,711 - 2,872 382,750 267,925 Undead Undead 4 Small 581 81 662 734 Normal
240 Welcome Orc Hero 66,789,000 6,174 - 9,045 3,536 - 6,239 0 0 Human Earth 2 Large 197 70 604 698 Boss
240 High Priest of Illusion 59,040,000 6,425 - 9,432 4,497 - 7,972 0 0 Human Holy 4 Medium 231 349 740 643 Boss
240 환영의 RSX-0806 61,561,500 7,558 - 11,064 4,735 - 8,370 0 0 Formless Neutral 3 Large 317 96 726 806 Boss
240 환영의 팔라딘 68,700,000 6,703 - 9,789 4,254 - 7,521 0 0 Human Holy 4 Medium 667 151 750 675 Boss
240 환영의 여왕 스카라바 79,231,680 6,427 - 9,420 5,688 - 10,103 0 0 Insect Earth 3 Large 350 220 636 621 Boss
240 환영의 원령무사 65,411,500 7,010 - 10,250 3,879 - 6,886 0 0 Human Dark 3 Large 396 140 762 782 Boss
240 환영의 타니 아가씨 78,560,000 7,588 - 11,177 5,139 - 9,132 0 0 Plant Wind 3 Large 241 104 656 650 Boss
240 환영의 챔피언 52,267,005 6,769 - 9,854 4,046 - 7,223 0 0 Demon Water 4 Medium 216 134 770 708 Boss
240 Princess Tiara 1,311,066,424 7,190 - 10,526 4,302 - 7,499 4,370,221 3,059,155 Undead Undead 4 Medium 836 99 625 654 Boss
241 Phreeoni of illusion 65,350,000 6,617 - 9,708 5,004 - 8,939 0 0 Brute Neutral 3 Large 269 98 581 655 Boss
242 Knight of the Illusion 77,551,500 7,788 - 11,435 4,826 - 8,577 0 0 Formless Wind 4 Large 306 166 772 822 Boss
244 환영의 무시무시한 릭 77,859,000 5,772 - 8,414 4,181 - 7,410 0 0 Demon Dark 2 Large 280 128 694 786 Boss
244 Galensis 35,885,800 9,744 - 14,421 2,247 - 3,858 626,446 437,417 Human Earth 3 Medium 257 135 618 573 Normal
245 Illusion Eddga 58,271,250 4,519 - 6,564 2,163 - 3,694 0 0 Brute Fire 1 Large 166 70 605 693 Boss
245 Illusion Golden Thief 68,495,625 5,882 - 8,629 4,185 - 7,456 0 0 Insect Fire 2 Large 159 81 599 695 Boss
245 Welcome Maya 70,110,000 7,019 - 10,318 5,317 - 9,490 0 0 Insect Earth 4 Large 183 50 589 599 Boss
245 Orc Lord of the Illusio 67,896,000 5,506 - 8,041 2,834 - 4,889 0 0 Human Earth 4 Large 256 92 635 725 Boss
245 환영의 디타르데우르스 73,861,500 8,282 - 12,135 5,433 - 9,648 0 0 Dragon Dark 3 Large 364 166 751 693 Boss
245 환영의 키엘-D-01 71,549,200 6,981 - 10,184 5,316 - 9,421 0 0 Formless Dark 2 Medium 314 232 819 694 Boss
245 엘리스 40,000,000 4,445 - 6,445 2,445 - 4,245 0 0 Human Neutral 3 Medium 93 73 645 665 Normal
246 환영의 이프리트 85,300,500 7,616 - 11,121 5,056 - 8,853 0 0 Formless Fire 4 Large 436 218 647 715 Boss
246 환영의 지오이아 61,696,529 6,571 - 9,554 5,058 - 8,857 0 0 Formless Wind 4 Large 436 218 647 715 Boss
247 Illusion Doppelganger 70,110,000 6,695 - 9,797 4,019 - 7,138 0 0 Demon Dark 3 Medium 246 86 691 823 Boss
247 환영의 베르제브브 79,101,500 7,183 - 10,474 4,727 - 8,352 0 0 Demon Ghost 4 Large 418 265 683 744 Boss
248 Welcome Hati 78,443,250 7,027 - 10,294 5,038 - 8,945 0 0 Brute Water 4 Large 173 103 754 768 Boss
248 Illusion Mistress 69,741,000 6,131 - 8,996 5,134 - 9,129 0 0 Insect Wind 4 Small 287 192 820 762 Boss
248 환영의 크툴라낙스 80,749,500 7,163 - 10,526 5,088 - 9,023 0 0 Brute Water 4 Large 129 78 700 630 Boss
248 환영의 거미전차 80,264,606 7,636 - 11,214 4,692 - 8,333 0 0 Formless Neutral 2 Large 394 123 694 635 Boss
249 Amon Ra of the Illusion 62,053,500 3,765 - 5,437 3,383 - 5,846 0 0 Human Earth 3 Large 213 123 627 621 Boss
249 Baphomet the Illusion 82,164,000 6,978 - 10,223 4,196 - 7,433 0 0 Demon Dark 3 Large 379 45 699 791 Boss
249 Welcome Moonlight 79,704,000 7,081 - 10,412 4,475 - 7,958 0 0 Demon Fire 3 Medium 254 81 653 733 Boss
250 Golden Thief Bug 22,275,000 1,915 - 2,676 1,554 - 2,565 102,060 77,760 Insect Fire 2 Large 318 162 594 700 Boss
250 Mistress 37,800,000 1,968 - 2,756 3,229 - 5,590 184,140 150,660 Insect Wind 4 Large 574 384 822 764 Boss
250 Maya 38,000,000 1,314 - 1,758 825 - 1,143 89,280 66,960 Insect Earth 4 Large 366 100 594 604 Boss
250 Phreeoni 30,000,000 1,534 - 2,089 1,777 - 2,938 63,800 90,000 Brute Neutral 3 Large 538 196 590 664 Boss
250 아몬 라 100,900,000 3,766 - 5,438 3,384 - 5,847 120,060 93,960 Human Earth 3 Large 413 246 628 622 Boss
250 아크엔젤링 2,510,000 1,262 - 1,737 588 - 708 1,789 1,455 Angel Holy 3 Medium 184 162 546 658 Boss
250 엔젤링 1,980,000 991 - 1,304 663 - 837 1,683 1,346 Angel Holy 4 Medium 144 476 550 580 Boss
250 도플갱어 38,000,000 3,858 - 5,541 2,030 - 3,441 172,260 125,280 Demon Dark 3 Medium 492 172 694 826 Boss
250 오크 히어로 36,200,000 1,503 - 2,032 1,009 - 1,538 53,460 48,600 Human Earth 2 Large 394 140 614 708 Boss
250 오크 로드 55,200,000 1,688 - 2,312 1,349 - 2,126 78,120 61,380 Human Earth 4 Large 512 184 640 730 Boss
250 바포메트 66,800,000 5,530 - 8,050 3,197 - 5,578 218,089 167,053 Demon Dark 3 Large 758 45 700 792 Normal
250 이프리트 693,500,000 13,510 - 19,961 5,374 - 9,441 4,352,400 2,673,000 Formless Fire 4 Large 872 436 852 1018 Boss
Name Type Subtype
Unknown item #600 Consumable -
Unknown item #2974 Armor Accessory
Unknown item #28385 Armor Accessory
Unknown item #28489 Armor Accessory
Unknown item #28490 Armor Accessory
Unknown item #28580 Armor Accessory
Unknown item #28581 Armor Accessory
Unknown item #28582 Armor Accessory
Unknown item #28940 Armor Shield
Unknown item #29391 - -
Unknown item #29397 - -
Unknown item #32407 - Mace
Unknown item #460000 Armor Shield
Unknown item #490085 - -
Acolyte Manual Armor Accessory
Acolyte Shadow Earring Shadow Equipment Shadow Acc. (Right)
Advanced Ring Of Resonance Armor Accessory
All In One Ring Armor Accessory
All In One Ring Armor Accessory
Amulet of Fresh Tuna [1] Armor Accessory
Angel Poring Shoes [1] Armor Shoes
Antonio's Santa Hat Armor Headgear
Awakened Eden Group Ring of Agility V Armor Accessory
Awakened Eden Group Ring of Magic V Armor Accessory
Awakened Eden Group Ring of Recovery V Armor Accessory
Awakened Eden Group Ring of Strength V Armor Accessory
Balmung Weapon Two-handed Sword
Brionac Weapon Two-handed Spear
Candy Hat Armor Headgear
Champion Wreath Armor Headgear
Chepet Card Card -
Croce Staff [1] Weapon Rod
Dice Hat Armor Headgear
Diligent Vitata Card Card -
Divine Guard Hat [1] Armor Headgear
Enchanted Peach Tree Card Card -
Geographer Band Armor Headgear
Glorious Cure Wand Weapon Rod
Hakujin Weapon Dagger
Hakujin [1] Weapon Dagger
Heal Card -
Heal Amistr Bag [1] Armor Garment
Heal Shadow Earring Shadow Equipment Shadow Acc. (Right)
Heal Shadow Pendant Shadow Equipment Shadow Acc. (Left)
Heal Shadow Shield Shadow Equipment Shadow Shield
Heal Shadow Shoes Shadow Equipment Shadow Armor
Hero Plate [1] Armor Armor
Hibram's Gloves [1] Armor Accessory
Leaf Cat Hat Armor Headgear
Level 3 Heal Consumable Special
Level 5 Heal Consumable Special
Light Epsilon Weapon Two-handed Axe
Loli Ruri Card Card -
Loli Ruri Egg Armor Pet
Muscipular Card Card -
Musika [1] Armor Garment
Parade Hat [1] Armor Headgear
Paradise Advanced Glove Armor Accessory
Paradise Advanced Necklace Armor Accessory
Paradise Glove Armor Accessory
Paradise Necklace Armor Accessory
Poporing Cap Armor Headgear
Rabbit Magic Hat Armor Headgear
Rainbow Muffler Armor Garment
Recovery Light [1] Weapon Rod
Rental Bow Of Rudra Weapon Bow
Rental Light Epsilon Weapon Two-handed Axe
Rental Rudra Bow Weapon Bow
Rhyncho Card Card -
Ribbon Of Bride Armor Headgear
Right Epsilon Weapon Axe
Ring of Resonance Armor Accessory
Rudra Bow Weapon Bow
Safety Rod [1] Weapon Rod
Sarah's Left Earring Armor Accessory
Shadow Heal Armor Shadow Equipment Shadow Armor
Shadow Heal Weapon Shadow Equipment Shadow Weapon
Steam Starter Ring Armor Accessory
Tamadora Egg Armor Pet
Valkyrie Feather Band [1] Armor Headgear
Vitata Card Card -
Water Lily Hat Armor Headgear
별과 영혼의 반지 Armor Accessory
사죄의 반지 - -
성스러운 달걀 모자 Armor Headgear
장식용 지오그래퍼 [1] Armor Headgear
프레이야의 반지 Armor Accessory
힐링 스태프 Weapon Rod
Super Novice
Date Field Old New
2023-01-13 00:42 description Heal
MAX Lv : 10
14Skill Requirement : Faith 10, Demon Bane 5
Skill Form : Active
Type : Recovery
Target: 1 Target
Description : Restores HP of a single target. This skill is also affected by User's LV, total INT, MATK.
Versus Undead property targets, inflicts Holy property damage equal to half the amount of the HP restored.
Max Lv : 10
14Skill Requirement : Faith 10, Demon Bane 5
Skill Form : Active
Type : Recovery
Target: 1 Target
Description : Restores HP of a single target. This skill is also affected by User's LV, total INT, MATK.
Versus Undead property targets, inflicts Holy property damage equal to half the amount of the HP restored.
2020-05-02 05:27 description Heal
MAX Lv : 10
Skill Requirement : Faith 10, Demon Bane 5
Skill Form: Recovery
Target: Player
Description: Restore a targeted player's HP.
Caster's base level and INT affect the amount
of HP recovered by Heal.
MAX Lv : 10
14Skill Requirement : Faith 10, Demon Bane 5
Skill Form : Active
Type : Recovery
Target: 1 Target
Description : Restores HP of a single target. This skill is also affected by User's LV, total INT, MATK.
Versus Undead property targets, inflicts Holy property damage equal to half the amount of the HP restored.


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Ghostring Card 1 obtained.